Origin of the Dark Angel (Part 1)

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(3rd POV)

In the beginning of all things, God created the universe with millions of stars, planets, and the world of life. Then he decided to create everything on Earth, including land, oceans, and waters, the skies, the animals on land, in the air, and in the sea, the trees and the mountains that formed. His greatest creation, he made humans, his final creation. While he rested in heaven, God decided to create angels, his followers, and guardians of Heaven and Earth. Then he created several Archangels which he give them there names:

There are only Archangels who are guardians of heaven and earth. One day, Azazel himself decided to go to the human world from a different pantheon that is not from the Garden of Eden. When he got there, he saw that many people were committing violence, such as killing, stealing, torturing, or even raping innocent women. Azazel was disgusted by the vulgar actions that the humans from a different pantheon had done.

(Azazel Grigory)

Azazel: "Oh my Father

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Azazel: "Oh my Father. How could this happen to them? I must go back before anything else happens to me." He said with a hint of sadness. As he was about to leave, he heard a girl's scream from the forest. He had no choice but to fly and look for the girl in the forest.

When he got there, he saw the girl, whose hands were tied with ropes, and a piece of cloth covered her mouth by five ugly barbarians. Then the girl wanted to scream for help, but it was useless because the barbarians had covered her mouth to prevent her from calling for help.

Barbarian 1: "Its useless girl. You cannot call help from the others. Now better shut up, you slut!!!" He said as he kick the girl's belly, which the girl cried in pain on her belly.

Barbarian 5: "Hehehehe!!! Now boys, should we rape her? Either she's a virgin or not? I just want to see that." He asked them which his friends agreed with him, while the girl was now terrified that the barbarians planned to steal her chastity, as they would rape her.

Barbarian 3: "Sure why not? (Pull his dagger) But let me tear her clothes with my dagger, and then we can rape her now!!" He said which his friends cheered up while the girl struggled to free herself, the Barbarian 3 approached slowly. The girl closed her eyes, but then the Barbarian 3 was shot in the head by a lightning spear, killing him. This shocked the girl and the other Barbarians, who looked up, seeing Azazel with his pure golden white wings flying above the sky, pointing his lightning spear at his enemies.

Azazel: "Any last words, scums?" He said to the enemies with disgust and anger, which the Barbarians are running away from the archangel and the girl. Then afterwards, Azazel dispelled his lightning spear and went to the girl's side to free her with his magic.

After he freed the girl, the girl removed the piece of cloth from her mouth before she looked at the archangel in awe. Then, Azazel said to her.

Azazel: "Are you okay, young lady??" He asked her in worried.

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