Chapter 5

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I woke up from the sun shining through my window. I still had a headache from yesterday. The sunray shined directly into my eye. I groaned and covered my face with my blanket. I layed there in silence for a bit before getting ready for the day. What I was going to do today? No idea. I simply just didn't wanna look like a trashcan. It seemed like it was really hot outside, so I decided to wear a dress. I then did my hair. I yawned as I got out of my room. Not a sound was to be heard. Nobody was awake, which was kinda weird especially cause it wasn't really early. I shrugged it off and ate some breakfast. After I finished my food, I sat at the table for a bit just thinking. Did Carlos tell anyone what I told him yesterday? If he did, I'm gonna kill him. Why did I even tell him in the first place? I was too tired to understand the consequences of telling anyone my secret yesterday. I decided to go outside to get some fresh air.

I went to the water fountain and sat by it. There was not a lot of people here at all. It was nice and quiet. I knew that when I got home, it wouldn't be this nice at all, so I enjoyed it while I could. "Y/N! Good morning!" I jumped. I thought it was Carlos for a moment. "Milo! Good morning!" I replied with a smile. He hugged me. It felt nice and warm. Feeling his arms holding me. It felt safe. I couldn't explain why. I guess he was just a really good friend, I knew I could trust. He then pulled away, "Sooo do you maybe wanna hang out?" He said with a playful smirk. I nodded happily. "Alright, let's go to Casita, Julieta just made arepas and I have to show you how I steal my food!" He said. I laughed and he took my hand and ran to Casita with me.
He then let go of my hand and ran right past Carlos who was about to walk outside. Camilo may had seen him, but I didn't. I accidentally ran directly into him. "Ay! Watch where you're going, pendeja.." he gave me a death glare as he walked past me. "I'm... sorry..?" I quietly said even though I knew he couldn't hear me. I wasn't sad that he called me an asshole, I was just confused. Yesterday at night he was really peaceful and didn't have that much of an attitude. "Dios mío, Carlos! Be nice to people for once!!" Camilo shouted after him. "Don't worry about him, he's almost always grumpy, I have no idea why he is like that though. I mean I hang out with him pretty often and he's nice to me but he doesn't seem to like others... and especially not you" Camilo said with an evil smirk. "Oh shut up" I giggled and nudged his shoulder.
After he showed me how he stole food, we went up into his room with the arepas. "See? I told you, shapeshifting is really a good gift sometimes" he giggled. "Yeah if you didn't get caught, dumbass" I rolled my eyes. He had been trying to show me how he stole his food by shapeshifting earlier, so nobody knew he was the one who took any food without permission. Julieta caught him tho, but still gave us some arepas. He wasn't so sneaky afterall. I sat on his bed and looked around his room. It was huge. "You like my room?" He sat down next to me. "I do! I wish I had as big of a room as you." I told him while still gazing his room. "Now that you mention it, I really want to see your room some day. Maybe we can hang out at your place soon." I was quiet. I didn't want him to see how miserable we all were in my home. I didn't want him to see my big brother constantly having to try to cheer my mom up, whose makeup was constantly dripping off of her face due to the tears. I didn't want him to see my little sister feeling uncomfortable and clueless. "Are you okay, Y/N?" His voice was filled with concern. "Mhm! I'm okay, I just zoned out," I lied. For some reason I didn't feel comfortable telling him what was happening at home yet. I didn't want him to be concerned for me. He patted my back, "If there's something wrong, you can always tell me. I won't tell anyone." I smiled and thanked him. I still wasn't going to tell him what was going on, but I appreciated his kindness. I yawned. "Tired?" He asked. "Yeah, I didn't really sleep that much last night." I said tiredly. He looked me, his eyes full of care. "Sleep on my bed for a little, it looks like you need it." He tucked me in and stroked my hair. I slowly began to fall asleep.
I am really sorry I haven't updates this story in a good while. I honestly just didn't have any motivation and I don't know if people are still reading this story, but if you are, thank you. This is kind of a short chapter, but I feel like leaving y'all on a cliffhanger🥱
- A/N

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