Chapter 54: The Gleam of Pride

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Hama was the one who was hurting the town. She was hurting people who come into the forest during a full moon.

It all made sense. From finding them in the forest that night, to the dolls in her cabinet, to the bloodbending... It was all her. It was all a way to set up this moment.

"It's you" Katara said, angrily, "You're the one who's been making people disappear during the full moons!" she yelled.

Hama looked at her, her eyes downcast, "They threw me in prison to rot, along with my brothers and sisters! They deserve the same! You must carry on my work!" the woman's eyes finally shown the true evil that hid underneath. The entire time Katara thought she had met someone just like her, someone from home. But underneath it all, her soul was black.

Hama stood a few paces away from the children, listening and waiting for her moment. She saw the girl with blue eyes and dark skin. Someone who looked just like her, in her youth.

She smiled, knowing now was the moment she prayed for. The moment where she would meet the bender who would carry on her life's work.

"Wait Guys, did you hear that?!" The blind one jumped up, "I hear people under the mountain. And they're screaming"

Hama grimaced, reminding herself to punish the prisoners later. She couldn't have people discovering them. They knew too much.

The group was visibly frightened, watching as they clung to eachother.

"I think that's enough of the ghost stories for one night" the boy with golden eyes spoke, rubbing the back of the waterbender, her soon to be prodigy. She could tell he was one of them, a firebender.

Hama smirked, wondering what he would look like hung on her wall. He would be a fabulous addition to her collection of scum.

The other boy, with the same dark skin and blue eyes, scoffed, "Yeah, nice try Toph" he said.

But the blind girl shook her head, not letting it go, "No. I'm serious. I hear something..."

The waterbender sat up, shaking the fear off her shoulders, "You're probably just jumpy from all of the ghost stories"

Hama smiled again; that was exactly what she needed to happen. She couldn't have her believing the other girl.

"It just... stopped"

Hama let out a breath, now was her moment.

It was eerily quiet for a moment.

"Hello children"

Katara stood her ground, getting into a position to water bend, "I won't! I won't use blood bending and I won't allow you to keep terrorizing this town!"

She planted her feet, ready to fight back. These were innocent people. She knew better then anyone that not everyone in the fire nation was evil. She couldn't turn her back on people who needed her, no matter the cost. She had to fight back.

But her hand betrayed her.

Katara tried to fight it but failed. Her limbs moved in unnatural ways, following Hama's wishes and not her own. Her hand twisted to the side uncomfortably. She felt the joint pop and cried out in pain.

Zuko was running as fast as his legs could move. He didn't feel the ache in his joints, or hear the snapping of twigs. His senses were centered on Katara, and finding her safe.

He heard the cry, knowing the sound far too well for his own liking.

"Katara!!" He yelled, quickly taking off in the direction of the cry.

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