Chapter 53: The Knife and Sewing Needles

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TW: Violence and Implied Torture

Their feet carried them through the forest, running as fast as they possibly could. Toph led the way, her feet seeing farther then their eyes ever could. The forest had begun to fall under the shelter of night, the sun setting and the full moon rising into the sky.

"This way!" Toph yelled, taking a sharp right turn through the trees. The three boys followed behind her, careful not to trip over their feet. Their eyes darted back and forth, looking for any sign that they were being followed.

Toph stopped abruptly at the mouth of a cave. They could only see a few feet in front of them before the cave led to dark nothingness.

"This is the place..." she told them, taking a deep breath before stepping inside. The boys followed her, trying to squint through the darkness. But no matter how hard they tried, it was impossible to see.

Sokka waved his hand in front of his face, doing his best not to run into any walls, "Zuko, could you maybe give us some light here?" He spoke as his head made a thud against the wall. Sokka yelped, rubbing his temple.

Zuko nodded, lifting his hand to light a flame. But Toph quickly grabbed his hand, "Wait!" she cried out, "Smell that?"

The others frowned, stopping to take a whiff of the air and each of their faces dawned with realization.

"Gas" Zuko answered her question, "So fire is out of the question unless we wanna be turned into ash"

Sokka waved his hand in front of his face, trying to see it through the thick darkness, "I can't see anything down here!"

Toph took Sokka's hand, "That's why you have me. Let's go!"

They joined hands, following Toph blindly through the tunnels.

"Is this what you feel like all of the time Toph?" Aang held onto Zuko's hand tightly, not wanting to get left behind.

Toph rolled her eyes, "Just shut it Twinkletoes, we're almost there"

The dark passageway led to a solid metal door. Toph ran her hands over the metal, testing for its weak spots. She turned back to the boys, "Stand back"

The three of them took two steps back, bumping into each other. Toph grabbed the door by its hinges and tugged it free, seeming to use very little effort.

Light hit them in the face, making them squint to get used to the flood of light. The door led them to another passageway, this one with torches lining the walls and lighting the way.

They took several steps, the hallway turning a corner and opening up to a much larger room.

Lining the walls, several villagers were chained by their hands, hanging above their heads. Their bodies looked sickly, like they hadn't eaten in days. Their eyes held onto dark bags from lack of sleep. If Zuko didn't know any better, he would have thought they were skeletons.

But he did know, because a few bodies littered the floor. Their eyes were closed lifeless, and their bodies showing the first signs of decay.

When the prisoners heard the noise of someone coming in the door, they shrunk back in fear. But once they saw it was not who they expected, they cried out in relief.

"We're saved!" one cried out, tears filling her eyes. Sokka and Aang quickly jumped into action, removing their shackles. Their arms slumped next to them, aching from standing straight for so long.

Zuko noticed another metal door to the right, tucked into the corner. He walked to it, testing the knob, surprising himself when it clicked open, completely unlocked.

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