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I have found a true friend in Scarlett. When the end of my week freed up with some time, I sent her a quick text and she suggested going to see the reindeer at Haywood Farm.

"You're so good with the kids," she says, juggling Lucas and Elsie while I push Angelica in the pram.

I smile. "I've completely fallen in love with them."

That makes her grin. "I know I'm bias, but they are literally the best humans on this planet."

"Agreed," I respond, laughing when Angelica puts in her two cents by shouting out loud.

We come to the end of the queue for the feeding pen, Elsie running over to me so she can push Angelica.

"Do you see yourself with kids in the future?" Scarlett asks when Lucas lays his head tiredly on her shoulder, soother in his mouth going a hundred miles a minute.

When Elsie crouches down beside Angelica and strokes her cheek, it sends a crazy amount of broodiness through me. It's shocking because I've never experienced it before at such a dizzying rate.

"I would love children," I say, moving forward when the line shifts. "I have PCOS, though, so I'm scared it's going to make things difficult."

"Oh, of course you're worried, but I know a few people who have it and all have had multiple pregnancies," she replies and it eases me a little.

I nod. "It's so disheartening when your doctor always tells you to come back when you're planning to get pregnant. It feels like they don't take you seriously."

PCOS is hard. The forty day cycles and excessive hair just a fraction of the daily struggles.

"Women's health isn't prioritised and it's sad," she replies, distracted momentarily by Benjamin who sprints into her legs.

I turn to see Maggie following with the stroller, grinning at the scene of Lucas suddenly coming to life and wanting to wriggle down Scarlett's body to reach his little buddy.

"You didn't say you were coming here, Scarlett," Maggie says, leaning down to kiss her cheek.

Scarlett throws me an apologetic look over her shoulder, pulling back to throw Maggie a small smile. "Yeah."

"Oh don't stress, babe. We can be civil, right Penelope?" Maggie says passive aggressively in my direction, eyes never reaching me as they level on Scarlett.

"Of course," I say feeling the edges of my soul starting to burn.

Maggie pushes her hair behind her shoulders, taking two steps towards Benjamin and Lucas to crouch so she can talk to them.

"You okay?" Scarlett mouths at me.

I send her a small shrug, past caring anymore. When Maggie giggles at the boys who are sweetly hugging and pulls out her phone to wave in my direction, I'm too shook to speak.

"Take a picture of us all, would you?" Maggie asks, reaching to pick the boys up.

Scarlett frowns. "No, we can ask someone else to take it. I'm not excluding Penny, I want her in it too."

"Sure!" Maggie sings, throwing out a fake smile. "Get in here, Penelope. I'll get someone to take a picture."

I move awkwardly to stand next to Scarlett who  hands Elsie to me while she pulls Angelica out of her pushchair. Elsie wraps her tiny fingers up in my hair, sending me a big grin when I turn to look at her.

Maggie finds someone to take the picture, asking for a couple of shots so she has options which I can only assume means so she can upload it to Facebook.

Our Broken Love (Angels of war series #4)Where stories live. Discover now