Chapter 15

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"Oh, hi! I didn't recognise you at first with your clothes on!"

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"Oh, hi! I didn't recognise you at first with your clothes on!"

This is the first thing Ric's friend Tom says to me when he's introduced. This sends me into an immediate panic.

Thankfully, it turns out he'd actually been one of the folk to witness my half-naked streak across the flat three weeks previously. In the second or two it takes for him to clarify that point, I experience momentary horror that I've had a one-night-stand I've somehow completely forgotten about.

And remember the girl who was in Ric's room on the day I came to view the flat? Well, she just so happens to be the only other girl at the table, so I'm initially feeling a tad antsy about that too. I mean, I know this little crush I have is moderate at most, but if she is still on the scene I don't want her to think I'm after her man!

But Beth seems perfectly lovely, and Ric introduces her as his "longest serving friend", which implies I've probably misunderstood the nature of their relationship.

"Longest suffering friend is probably more appropriate. I know all his secrets," she adds, winking at me. "Hit me up if you want me to spill."

"Beth," he says warningly, and she laughs warmly.

"You know my loyalty lies with you," she replies, flashing a grin in his direction.

The other two guys present are Mitch and Eddie. "So you're the one who convinced Ric to change our quiz team name?" Mitch-or-Eddie grumbles. "I loved being The Cunning Linguists."

Ric sighs. "For the last time, Mitch, the name doesn't attract the ladies as much as you seem to think it does."

Beth shakes her head at Mitch, backing Ric up. "And I've yet to see you pull anyone at the pub quiz." Dramatic pause. "Now that I think about it, I've yet to see you pull anyone anywhere."

"Whatever," he mumbles, as Ric writes Quizzery Loves Company at the top of the first sheet of paper. His handwriting is surprisingly neat and precise. "I liked the old name."

Mitch is my least favourite of the group so far.

"So how are you finding living with Ric?" Beth asks me. The quiz host is setting up, and Ric and the other guys have wandered over to the bar to get the drinks in. "Is he driving you insane?"

"He is," I confirm, before slightly re-thinking my stance. "Well, he was . . . But it's actually not been so bad for the past couple of weeks. Maybe I'm used to him now?"

"Yeah, he's a bit of a slow-burner." She nods. "But he's worth it."

I have to ask. "Have you two ever . . ?"

I don't even get to finish my sentence. "God, no." She looks appalled. "Ricardo's like a brother to me!"

I hold my hands up in defence. "You were in his room when I was viewing the flat; that's the only reason I asked!"

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