Chapter 5

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Ricardo Parker, otherwise known as Ric, became both my flatmate and my nemesis within ten minutes of our first meeting

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Ricardo Parker, otherwise known as Ric, became both my flatmate and my nemesis within ten minutes of our first meeting. Although, technically, I guess he actually became my enemy ten minutes before I met him in person.

Two months ago, I was desperate to find a flatshare. I'd been living with Lou, but she had just decided to move her boyfriend in. And, to cut a long story short, they were loud. Their two favourite things to do were fight, and have sex. They executed both of these at excessively high volumes.

And it wasn't just me who had a problem with it. Neighbours would actually come to the door to complain. And I would be the one who usually had to deal with the moaning at the door, because they wouldn't hear over their own moaning. Obviously of a different kind.

It was affecting my Perfectly Positive Attitude, as well as hurting my ears, and I knew I had to get out of there.

I'd also been hoping, just a little, that Declan might suggest we rent a place together. We spent a lot of our time with one another, and it seemed like the logical next step. But he wasn't picking up on my very obvious nudges in this direction. Or perhaps he was choosing to ignore them. In retrospect, it was probably the latter.

"Sometimes I think it would be easier if I looked with someone else. If two of us were searching for a flat together, we could probably afford something decent just for . . . The two of us." I'd said meaningfully one time.

"Oh right, I didn't realise any of your friends were looking for a flat too," Declan had said. He seemed distracted. I gave up. I'd already dropped way too many hints by that point. It was starting to get embarrassing.

Shortly after this, he'd dropped the big break bombshell.

So I'd turned to the Internet. The good old reliable World Wide Web. Where everyone is exactly who they say they are, and no weirdos need apply.

Isn't it the best?

After trawling through many flatmates wanted adverts, I found what appeared to be a promising prospect. A room in a tenement flat near the Botanic Gardens. I'd always loved the idea of living in the west end; it had been my favourite area in Glasgow since my university days. If I couldn't live with Declan, then this might be my next best option.

Brimming with nervous excitement, I'd sent an enquiry, and after receiving more details I asked if I could come and view the room. I was already pretty set on moving in at this point; there was little else in my price range. In a very brief email back, Ric suggested the following day at 10am.

The next day was a Saturday, and to be honest I wasn't best pleased at having to get there so early. I very much valued my lazy weekend mornings in bed. But, keen to appear flexible and agreeable - The Perfect Potential Flatmate - I consented.

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