I've Been Upside Down

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Guys I literally lost my tablet on the plane and I haven't gotten a call that they've found it :((((. My original chapter 12 was saved on there and I didn't have the will to rewrite it since the first time was so good. But I ended up buying a new one so lets try our luck again.

All we do by Oh Wonder was the title inspiration.

    They say that life never grants a person with more than they can handle, and maybe Louis can attest to that, as his whole life he's been given just enough to fill him to the brim, bit never enough to topple him over. He's resilient in that sense, right when he'd feel like things were getting too much, by some grace up above, some weight was lifted off his shoulders. He persevered with scars and wounds that tried to fester in him but never quite managed to settled deep within his skin, only leaving imprints of the battle.

    When he was put in foster care he'd suffered mentally and was abused by the older kids that found his innocence laughable. The water began to full him once again to the brim. But just as he was about to spill over, as he'd had enough he was transferred to a foster home with what seemed like a loving couple. Rosie's loving demeanor nurtured some of the hurt that Louis had experienced. But good things never remained at rest with Louis because when Rosie was no longer around Troy's true character surfaced, and revealed himself to stow true hatred for the young boy. Slowly Louis was found himself tipping over again and just as he thought he would fall and break into millions of pieces that could never be put together again he found the bridge, which led him to find Harry. He found his place of solace.

    Now Louis doesn't know what greater being is out there helping him or if they even exist, but they gave him a reason, a because to his why. A reason for his suffering to have meant something, because in the end he was destined to meet Harry, and for their lives to intertwine in the most beautiful of ways, forming a connection that not many could understand.

Friday has finally come around, the alarm waking Harry and Louis with much hesitance. Today Louis goes back home. Rosie luckily should be back by the time Louis is out of school, but the dread of stepping into the house is tangible. The whole morning Harry is clinging onto Louis, not ready to let him go just yet. They get ready for the day moving around each other in a practiced dance.

Louis decided to walk to school today and clear his mind. Harry hesitantly agreed, knowing Louis might need some time to himself. The whole way to the door Harry is draped across Louis back, placing soft kisses on his neck while Louis giggles and faux attempts to push him away. When they finally reach the door Harry buries his face in Louis neck, while the smaller boy breaths in deeply.

Breathing in deeply Louis realizes he is in the boarder of the world that has brought him comfort, and the one that has brought him pain with every obstacle he's had to encounter. This time around Louis knows he's got Harry behind him if her were to fall. So with one last breath he turns around to face Harry and kisses him. He grasps onto his neck and chastely brings their lips together, telling the older boy boy to worry.

"I'll be back" Louis says. He doesn't say when, but Harry knows its not a real goodbye. "Just be careful, alright" Harry says with worry. Louis simply smiles, placing one last kiss on his lips and crossing the threshold.


Louis gets to school with a clear head. The whole walk he could only replay the moments he and Harry experienced. He smiles fondly at Harry's gentle nature and his warm being. Walking into class doesn't seem so dreadful as it once had. By the time school is over Louis doesn't even remember what had transpired only going through the motions but not paying any attention.

The bell quickly transforms his mood. It's time to go back. He can't even say home because its never felt like home. The whole walk Louis feels as if he's not in control. Taking steps forward when he knows he truly only wants to walk into Harry's arms. But he does it anyway and when he least expects, the house is right in front of him.

The second Louis opens the door he can feel the cold atmosphere of the house, something feels different. He steps inside, shutting the door behind him when he's suddenly startled by someone calling his name. "Louis is that you" Rosie calls, walking into the living room where Louis is. Louis relaxes at hearing that its only her. She walks up to Louis giving him a strong hug, "Ooof I've missed you bug". Rosie has always been affectionate towards Louis so the motion doesn't come as much of a surprise.

As they break from the hug Rosie takes Louis' face into her hands. Slowly Louis realizes what she must be seeing. The dark bruises have begun to fade into a greenish color, but they still remain to be seen. Rosie only sighs not saying anything further.

She knows, Louis thinks.

"We should talk", and oh this can't be good Louis thinks. They walk into the kitchen taking the seats facing each other. "Troy and I have decided... that we should split up", she starts. Louis eyes raise in shock. This is good, right, he thinks, but doesn't let it show on his face. "I got home early yesterday and we've discussed it. So I helped him pack his things so we won't be seeing much of him anymore". Louis begins to look around at that. Pieces falling together as he realizes why he found the house to feel so empty when he initially walked in. The counters and shelves are devoid of Troy. The only semblance of them being there are the imprints of dust that surround the shape of his once trophies and picture frames.

Rosie breaks Louis trance by saying, "I went to look for you yesterday, and I saw you weren't in your room", she doesn't say it accusatory but more so stating a fact. "I asked Troy and he only said he hadn't seen you since Tuesday".

Shit, Louis thinks, he's in trouble. "I was staying with a friend", Louis answered softly looking down. Rosie only answers by nodding her head. A minute goes by with out a word, and Louis chances a look at Rosie. She seems in thought. Louis knows there's more, he's only waiting for the next shoe to drop.

His mind begins to venture. What even happens to a foster kid when his foster parent separate? What retributions is he going to face, maybe Rosie is sending him back. Of course she is, why would she willing chose to look after a kid on her own. What if he gets sent to live with someone worse than Troy? What if its not just physical abuse, what if-

"Louis", Rosie interrupts. "Huh", Louis breaks from his stupor. "There's something I need to tell you", she says trying to meet Louis eyes who are still downcast. She lifts his head, once their eyes meet she smiles, "How would you feel about me adopting you".

And what, this is the last thing Louis expected to come out of her mouth. He gapes at her barely processing what she's said. "It's never been a question for me, but Troy was always hindering my ability to submit the paperwork..", she continues but Louis can't hear anything all he know is that Rosie wants to adopt him. Rosie finished he last sentence looking at Louis whose stuck in shock, she laughs, "So what do you say".

Louis crashes into her, wrapping his arms around her neck, nearly suffocating. Rosie hugs back just as tightly. "I'm sorry I haven't been here for you as much as I should've, but I promise things are going to change... for the better". Louis feels like crying, he's on cloud nine, riding the waves of emotion. Things are finally turning around for him, he can finally breath without having to look out for the next wave to drag him under.

Authors notes
I have one more chapter before this finally comes to an end. Hope y'all have enjoyed so far. Thanks for reading and for those of you leaving kudos.

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