It's Not The Way you Smiled That Touched My Heart

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Baby it's you by the Beatles

    Its dark by the time Harry and Louis return home. The ride home was enjoyed in a comfortable silence as both boys seemed to reach an understanding. Words would only tarnish the moment, no words being able to encapsulate their feelings and the promise they shared with looks alone.

Once again Louis finds himself crossing the threshold separating the outside world with the peace that Harry and his home bring him. Harry opens the door with Louis following. As they enter the living room they find Zayn seated on the couch with a sly grin as he sees Louis and Harry entering.

"Found him" Harry whispers softly towards Zayn gesturing with his eyes to where Louis stands next to him. Zayn scoffs, "Welcome back kiddo", he replies now with a fond smile.

Harry leads Louis towards his room silently, Louis not needing further instruction to be alone with Harry. They wash up with small whispers being shared as they make their way around each other not wanting to disturb the peace. Harry quietly settles into his bed waiting for Louis to join him. He quietly stares off at the ceiling, mind roaming in fields of the small boy, seas of blue so bright and so light its almost blinding, and soft delicate skin, all encompassing features of the only person who can take a withering man into one full of life. Louis shuts off the lights as he joins Harry in bed careful and precise, wary of every movement.

Louis takes a similar position as Harry, positioned mere inches apart, sprawled on his back. His arm brushes against Harry;s with every inhale.  A wide grin is plastered on Louis' face as he staring into the darkness of the ceiling. TentativelyLouis brigs his pinky to stroking the side of Harry's own. Harrys breaths falter at the movement his mouth twitching into a wide smile. Slowly he links their pinkies together. Louis doesn't know what awaits him when he leaves Harry's side but he can only hope that this feeling will never fade.. Excitement for the future courses through his veins, and for the first time in his life he's looking forwards instead of back. His past may come to haunt him as he makes his way forward, but with Harry at his side, he knows he wont be dragged down by his demons.

Marking this as completed for now since I've stopped at a happy point in their journey.

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