You calm my storm

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    Harry is startled awake by an awful kick to the groin. "Argh fuck" he curses squeezing his eyes shut and blocking his body from anymore kicks. It isn't until he hears muffled cries that he remembers last night, and realizes he has a young boy in his bed. Turning over in the direction of the cries he sees Louis struggling in his sleep and mumbling nonsense. Harry tentatively reaches over the boy to halt his movements which proves to be a mistake as this action causes Louis to still and tears to scream down in his sleep.

    "No no no no no" he mutters nonstop no longer moving just breathing in harshly. Panicked as to what brought this on Harry tries again stroking Louis hair murmuring "Louis wake up, you're okay... cmon Lou wake up". Finally Louis eyes pop open as he takes a huge breath in, one look at Harry and he's jumping into the boys arms. Both boys sigh deeply into the hold, breaths now evening as the situation deescalates.

    "You ever gonna tell me what's happened bud, I need to make sure you're okay" Harry says into Louis ear, hands smoothing down his back in a relaxing manner. Louis shakes his head against Harrys neck in the form of a no. Harry chuckles at his antics. "You know I hardly know anything about you yet you've somehow wormed your way into my house and my bed". Louis stills the reality of Harry being just a random stranger helping him out sinking in. "Sorry", Louis mutters as he makes to release his hold and get off of Harry.

    "Woah kiddo I didn't mean it as a bad thing, relax", Harry states strengthening his hold on the boy. Yet Louis still remains rigid in his arms. "Do you wanna talk about you're dream", he's met with another head shake. Harry simply sighs having expected that response.

"What time do you have to be at school?" "Six if I wanna be showered and ready to go by seven", Louis mumbles half asleep already. Harry looks at the time, its only half four. "You shower at school?", Harry asks. All he gets in reply is a small mhmm. Harrys pretty sure Louis has a home, but it still raises the question why he can't shower at home. Maybe his family doesn't have enough money for the water bill and their trying to conserve as much as possible. Harry find himself saying "You can shower here so you can sleep in a bit". Louis is out to the world by this point but still gives a barely noticeable head nod.


Harry wakes to his alarm blaring in his ear. The time reads 6:15 . Louis is still sleeping at his side, the alarm doing nothing to wake him from his slumber. Harry shakes him "Kiddo time to get up, or you're going to be late." He gets a mumbled "Mmmm 5 more minutes". Harry chuckles as he removes himself from their embrace. "Alright kiddo but by the time Im out of the shower you better be up" he says as he makes his way to his bathroom.

Five minutes seem to pass by in a blur for Louis, as not even five seconds go by when he feels his body being shook. Louis opens his eyes to a freshly showered Harry, towel covering his torso and curls dripping moisture into Louis face. Louis looks away from him cheeky flaming in embarrassment, and rolling over onto his side. Harry chuckles out "Cmon Lou, I left a new toothbrush in the bathroom for you, you can also shower before I take you to school, there's a clean towel on the counter".

With one big push Louis pulls himself out of bed and makes his way to the bathroom. The warm shower spray easing away all his tension and washing away the night before. Brushing his teeth Louis look into the mirror now seeing the bruises that not only litter his face but his body as well. He slowly puts on his cloths from the day before and makes his way back into Harrys room. Harry is seated at his desk on his laptop, with eyes furrowed. As Louis walks out Harry takes him all in and smiles kindly. "I got some cloths from my roommate, they might still be a little big but its better than mine would be", Louis looks over to the bed only now seeing the small stack of folded cloths.

"Oh no Harry don't worry I'm fine in this", the smaller boy argues, "Lou I'm serious its fine" Harry retaliates. As they meet each others eyes Harry knows he's won this argument. "Ill step out while you change" he mutters as he passes Louis and steps out of the room. Louis removes his soiled cloths and begins putting on the clean pair of jeans he just received. They don't necessarily fit but they new and clean and Louis never had new and clean clothing. When he's finally dressed he steps out into the hall in search for Harry. He makes his will down the hall to where he hears the clatter of dishes and some faint murmuring. He knocks before he pushes open the door to what must be the kitchen. Harry is stood over the stove putting the kettle on on and to his right on the kitchen island is another man, who must be Harrys roommate.

Louis shyly looks down and away before he can even make out any of his features. "Ummm thanks Harry for everything... Im going to head out". Harry simply ignores his last statement, "Oh hey Lou this is my roommate Zayn, come sit down while I make my tea, then I'll drive you to school. Zayn's letting us borrow his new whip" he says cheekily. Louis looks up to meet the eyes of his roommate who seems even less eager than Louis to be meeting someone new. His black hair is disheveled from sleep and his tan arms are gripping a blanket around his shoulders, cocooning him in warmth. "Want some tea Lou", Harrys voice breaks him from his staring. "No thanks" comes his mumbled reply, still standing by the doorway motionless.

Sensing Louis distress and discomfort Harry walks over and hands the car keys to the small boy. "How about you go downstairs and warm up the car. It's the black one parked right up front" Harry says giving Louis a warm smile. Louis looks back at Harry looking for any sign of a lie. Harry gives him another reassuring not and pushes him out the door.

Harry watches him exit the kitchen and when he hears the front door close shut he finally turns around to his friends awaiting rebuke. "You brought a kid home last night Harry, what the hell", Zayn all but shrieks. "He had no where to go!" is Harry's rebuttal. "Harold", Zayn glares. "Zayn", Harry states simply staring back just as intently. "I hope you know what you're doing man", Zayn says shaking his head.

Harry sighs looking away, "I hope so too" he whispers to himself.

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