I Know Places (We Can Hide)

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***Authors note:
I was listening to I know places by Tay tay, when I started writing this one. Hope y'all enjoy.

Harrys rushing, breaking to many laws, but he's late, and all day he's wanted nothing more than to resolve thing with Louis. His maths teacher had gone off on a random tangent towards the end of class, and Harry couldn't leave before he announced the weeks assignment. As a result Harry is now killing himself to the small boy. He looks down at the time on his car. 3:20 is displayed, "Shit", Harry curses. Harry could only hope that Louis is patiently waiting for him.

Harry hopes Louis doesn't think that he's abandoned him once again. The parking lot is mostly empty when Harry pulls upfront. He's 30 minutes late. The only students left are a group of rowdy boys. One of them being fairly familiar. It's the same guy who was all over Louis the day before. Harry can't remember if Louis ever told him the boys name.

As he looks around the lot he finds no sign of Louis. Maybe he walked back to Harry's. Harry reaches for his phone to give Louis a call just to make sure, but then he remembers he never programmed Louis number into his phone. He'd been too caught up in everything else Louis, that he forgot. He's still looking down at his phone when a knock sounds at his window.

While Harry was distracted Louis' friend had made his way over and is now standing before him, smiling widely, couched slightly to stare into the window. Harry's face morphs into confusion, but he figures he can ask the boy if he's seen Louis.

"Umm.. Hello?", Harry rumbles.

"Hey I'm Liam, you're Louis mate right?", the man, Liam, asks happily.

Harry is a little stunned at this reply, but maybe Louis told Liam about him. At Harrys confusion, Liam corroborates, "I saw your pick him up yesterday", he finishes.

"Oh yeah that was me", Harry says stupidly. Realizing what he's said, Harry flushes. "Sorry, I'm Harry", he attempts. Liam merely laughs, "Hiya Harry, so whatcha doing here then?". "Oh right, I'm here to pick up Lou, you haven't seen him around have you, I'm a bit late today?".

Liam looks at Harry confused before answering, "Nah mate he didn't show up to school today". Liam worry spikes hoping Louis didn't get into any more trouble with his foster dad, Troy. "He was supposed to be staying at a mates yesterday", he says worriedly. Liam doesn't know how much Harry knows about Louis but he's cautious not wanting to divulge too much. Louis is such a private person, never wanting to give more of himself than necessary. Liam breaking down his walls had taken years.

Harry tries no hide his worry as he quickly placates Liams own, "No yeah, he stayed a mine, he just left pretty early and I assumed he came here", he lies slightly. "Nah, he didn't", Liam answers "The past few days had been rough on him, I'd just assumed he wanted a break", he says solemnly.

Harry nods knowingly as he think about where his Louis could be. The thought settles in and, shit Louis got no where else to go. Home isn't even an option for him, and the solace he found in Harrys house was taken away with todays events having occurred. There's only one other place Harry can think of.

As the place comes to mind Harry makes to say goodbye to Liam but the man stops him with a single look, hand placed on the roof as he leans down to say, "Take care of him yeah, he's a good lad, deserves way more than life's given him".

Harry can't help but look at Liam with a dumbfound expression. Harry's slightly functional brain only works well enough to nods dumbly. He smiles after a second, realizing how much Liam cares about his boy. But then again, of course he cares, Harry feels that Louis has a natural aura about him that calls people to love and care for him, so truly who wouldn't be immediately drawn to the small boy. His voice alone warrants the attention of everyone in a room. Harry's glad Louis has had a friend like Liam by his side.

"Of course" Harry answers confidently as he look into Liams eyes to convey how much he means those words. Liam nods, with one last look walks away, leaving Harry to the mission at hand. Quickly Harry puts the car in drive and sets off in the only direction that's ever felt right, Louis.

Authors note: See what I did there ;)
Anyways Lima and Harold finally meet yayyy!

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