Now That I Found You, Don' t Go

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Authors note: Almost didn't post today but I'm committed to the craft. I'm currently in the process of moving across the country because of my job, so packing has been taking up a lot of my writing time. Stupid anxiety attacks messed up my posting schedule, so sorry for taking so long to update today. Luckily tomorrow I hop on a plane and I'll be able to write uninterrupted for some time. Hopefully I get the window seat, I can't be seen writing Larry smut, I'd die. Anyways hope y'all enjoy.

Dusk is approaching as Harry journeys to where he hopes to find the small boy that has driven his every thought, since he came into Harry's life. He drives up to the closets point before leaving his car on the road, and running up to the path that leads to the bridge.

Scanning the area with squinted eyes, Harry notices he doesn't see Louis perched on his usual ledge. As he walks further into the trail he sees a human shaped lump seated alongside the railing. It's Louis. The small boy sitting with his knees drawn to his chest, head tucked in what must be an uncomfortable position. He doesn't seem to have heard Harry's approaching steps as he doesn't even lift his head.

Worriedly Harry fastens his steps at Louis seemingly motionless body.
The whole car ride Harry had envisioned the moment green eyes met blue and all the confusion dissipating before them as understanding rang though. He'd expected to meet the stunning blue eyes and melt into each other, but in the end he's left with the sight of Louis caramel fringe.

Harry reaches Louis crouching down to his level and hearing Louis' even breaths. He's asleep Harry concludes, slightly settled. He wants to carry Louis back to his car and wrap him up in his arms but he doesn't want to make their situation more uncomfortable for Louis. The boy had obviously come here to get away, and from Harry most likely.

Harry would be crossing Louis' boundaries and he can't just whisk him away and make him stay with him, even though the older boy wants to do just that. Harry sighs as he thinks of what to do. Harry needs to fix this before they can move forward.

Harry takes off his jacket and drapes it around Louis shoulders even though the boy is already wearing a thin sweater. The movement causing Louis to shuffle his body, he slowly lifts his head only to be met with Harry's intense gaze meeting him at eye level. Harrys eyes are full of sorrow as his takes in Louis' puffy, red rimmed eyes. He snuffles cutely at Harry, mouth curling into a small frown as he begins to feel his eyes water once again. He bites his lip frustrated at his emotions, as he looks away from Harry taking in a shakily breath. He told himself he'd stop these antics, it's not worth it. He cant help it though has he hiccups. He goes back to burying his head in his arms curling in tighter.

Harry doesn't want to overstep, but he also can't just do nothing. He decides against his thoughts and quickly brings Louis into his arms. Louis tries to resist the hold, pushing Harry back but the hold only makes him feel more fragile as he finally feels the tears wet his face. Harry cradles his whole body, pressing Louis into his chest.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry louis , please stop crying, I was an idiot, just please stop crying", Harry attempts in a soft voice.

After a few moments when Louis' tears stop, Harry's hold loosens, allowing Louis to sit back in his previous position against the railing. Louis avoids Harrys eyes as he stares u at the darkening sky wiping his face as he steadies his breathing.

"I'm sorry Lou, I was an asshole and I shouldn't have just ran away from you like that before even talking to you", Harry gets out in one breath, face full of guilt as he waits for Louis' reply.

"Was kissing me just an experiment to you" Louis says without faltering, gaze never leaving the sky.

"What, no of course not!" Harry exclaims with as much vigor possible.

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