Safe Haven

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*Authors note: Im contemplating how quick I want to evolve their relationship, like its gotta be realistic but I'm writing this and I'm dying to bring the romance :)... anyway enjoy the new chapter**

By the time the last bell rings signaling the end of the school day, Louis is completely drained. He's made his way through the day with no motivation or enthusiasm that he would normally carry. Not even having his backpack Louis opted  for giving the bare minimum today. He cuts his sentences short, gave curt replies when his friends ask him what's wrong, and avoided his teaches glances keeping his head set down the entire day. Usually the bell would raise anxiety in his chest, as it meant he had to make his way back home, but today its his safe haven, he gets to go home with Harry.

The past nights together by the bridge had become something Louis could look forward to in the madness. They never really talked much while they sat sat together, it was most just small chit chat about how their days went at either school or uni. Harry was mostly the one who'd cut the silence at random moments to say some random thought, which would spur Louis to give a a short and cheeky response, that would then lead them back into the silence. Their conversations never went that deep, they more so just basked in the comfort of another person being there with them. Which is why Louis is confused as to why Harry even seems to care. What kind of attachment could they possibly have formed in just one week. All in all Louis is just grateful Harry came along when he did. He tries not to think about his situation to much, as he exits the school doors in search of the black sedan.

He looks around at the parking lot, crossing his fingers that Harry actually shows up, and that it wasn't all a lie. As he's waiting he feels a large body drape over his back. His body tenses, and the soreness from the day before makes him grunt as he hears the familiar voice say, "Tommooo you disappeared on me today, barely had a chance to catch up with ya".

Louis attempts a small smile as his friend Liam comes into view, his arm still loosely hung around Louis shoulder. "Busy day sorry Lee", Louis lies. Now looking at each other, Liam is able to see the damage that has come to his friend face, though it doesn't surprise him as much as it should. It's not the first time Louis has come to school with some bruising, and after the third round of questioning, Louis had let slip that his foster dad, Troy, had a pretty heavy hand when drinking. Liam heaves a sigh, right arm reaching out to hold Louis' face and inspect the damage. He's two years older than Louis, and watches over him as an older brother would. They met two years ago when Louis was fostered and transferred over to Riverview Academy. From the first day when Liam gave Louis a tour of the school, they've been inseparable.

"Why didn't you call me, you know I'm always here for you" he says softly, fingers now stroking his cheek as Louis' eyes well up once again. Though this time he refuses to let them fall.

"I forgot my phone when I was leaving the house" Louis replies softly, but even if he did Louis has never wanted to burden anyone with his presence. Liam has his own life, his own family, and Louis can't intrude on his normalcy when his whole existence wreaks havoc. Liam leans down and connects their forehead, sighing deeply. Liam tries to catch Louis eyes when he says, "I cant keep letting you brush this stuff off as if its no big deal, are you heading that way right now?". Louis keeps his eyes down when he answers, "I'm fine, and I'm ummm, staying at a friends till Rosie gets back".  Liam again try's to catch his eye looking for the lie that never comes.

Heaving another sigh Liam stands straighter after a peck to Louis forehead, "Alright Loulou but if anything comes up I better be the first person you call, alright."

"Alright" Louis nods smiling. "Go on I know you've got to pick up you're sisters, stop stalling mate" Louis says grin still curved upward. "Alright, alright, I know when I'm no longer wanted" Liam says as he nudges Louis ruffling his hair as he walks away towards the parking lot. "Im serous Lou Lou you better call" the man says turning around one last time as he makes his leave. He then brings his hand up to his ear in mock of a phone and mouths a 'Call me' to Louis and sending him an over exaggerated wink.

Louis stares after him with a small chuckle before he notices Harry in the distance. Cheeks flaming at not having known how much of that display Harry saw, Louis makes his way over. Louis hops into the car, atmosphere already feeling tense. "Hey Harry", Louis almost whispers. In lieu of a hello Harry asks, "S'that you're boyfriend or something". "Huh" Louis grunts out in surprise blushing at the thought. He'd had a crush on Liam when he first arrived at Riverview, but he could never entertain the idea. Liam would never look at him that way.

Harry doesn't ask again, and with some semblance of composure Louis mutters embarrassingly, "No, he's just a friend". Harry hums in interest, "Seemed awfully cozy to me", he jokes. "We're not", Louis says with more rigor. Harry only chuckles and pulls out of the parking lot.

"Now to more serious matters, I saw you didn't have your school stuff. Is there anything you wanna pick up from home before we head to mine." Louis look over at Harry hesitantly nodding his confirmation. Louis put in his address on Harrys home, and then their off. Off to the place that serves as Louis' personal paradox, as a safe haven from the life he left behind and also his own hell hole.

*Authors notes: Lima finally made his appearance!!! Yay, had no idea that was gonna happen, I was honestly gonna name him Jack or something but I figured I might as well keep the 1D theme. Thoughts?**

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