The Gates of Heaven are Unlocked by You

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    ** Authors note: So what are we thinking so far... what's going on with Louis, and will he end up telling Harry??? I don't know either but we'll see. Enjoy the new chapter!**

    Making his way out of the apartment, Harry spots Louis' head leaning against the car windows, eyes shut and possibly sleeping. He walks over to the passenger side, giving the window a little tap. Louis startles and looking up at Harry and then simultaneously reaching to unlock the door on the other side for Harry. Quickly hopping into the drivers seat Harry buckles up ands turns to look at the small boy. The daylight does a good job at bringing forth what the darkness had been hiding the past few nights they spent together.

Harry realizes this a he takes a good look a Louis, and the dark circles rimming his eyes, the purple bruise painted over pale skin, and yet his beauty is not even slightly diminished. Words get stuck in Harrys throat as he takes in what this boy is and he wants to tell him how he doesn't belong in darkness, that the night doesn't deserve him as it does nothing but hide the beauty that he is, the perfection that is his face, the delicacy that is his being. No, he belongs in the light, he was made for it, and for those small moments when the clouds finally open up and shine light on everything below, bestowing on the earth the warmth that was once hidden, those moments were made for the light to shine on Louis, he is the reason for the heavens opening up and giving one light.

But Harry does the opposite or rather does nothing at all, just simply coughing into his fist. Louis looks at him raising his brows in question. "So... school?" Harry asks.

"Yeah, I go to Northview", Louis says looking away in embarrassment. Northview Academy, its not in the best side of town which is notoriously know for its gang violence and shootings. But they offerer great aid to students that are struggling financially but keep consistent grades. Harry knows this but doesn't say a word opting to nod in reply. They commute in silence for the first 10 minutes before Harry gets the courage to ask what's been on his mind. "Who gave you the bruises Lou?"

Louis turns to look at Harry, with a shocked expression, not having expected him to get straight to the point. Harry keeps his eyes in the road but he can feel Louis questioning gaze on him. "Im not telling you that, why do you even care anyway?" Louis asks.

Ignoring the question Harry asks, "Was it someone at school...", no reply "Or someone back home?". An sharp breath meets him and its more than an answer. "Louis if something is going on at home, you need to speak to someone so they can get you the help you need".

"No!" Comes Louis sharp response, "you... you don't understand, if I say anything, they'll take me away, and... I could end up in a much worse home", he says tone now much softer but still cautious. Harry clearly not understanding the gravity of his words asks, "What do you mean Lou?".

"I've been in foster homes since I was 6, and this is the first time in years where things aren't that bad, and Ive got friends at school, and Ive been through worse honestly, a couple hospital trips here or there, but here, I got a foster mom that's ace. It's only when she's away on business trips that things get bad. My foster dad drinks a bit so as long as I time things right and I'm not home while he's awake I'll be fine."   Louis looks to Harry to see if he's convinced him, "I can handle it Harry, truly".

Harry is left speechless, the reality of their lonely nights by the bridge now making sense. This past week without fail Louis was always sat in his seat atop the the the bridges ledge. "So that's the real reason you've been out there these last few nights" Harry asks seriously.
"Well sometimes I do just feel like going out for a late stroll", Louis attempts to laughter the mood with. Harrys still silent, spurring Louis to continue, "Yesterday my nap ran a little long and I bumped into my foster dad after he got home from work... he'd noticed I've been purposefully avoiding him and didn't like that too much... obviously ", he chuckles out the last bit.

    Harry has no idea where to even start. Adulting isn't very fun Harry is coming to realizes, how can a 19 year old kid even help someone in this situation. "When does your mom get back from her trip", Harry asks. "Foster mom", Louis corrects, "and she gets back on Friday, so like 3 more days, I'll be fine."

    "Stay with me" Harry blurts out the second the thought makes its way into his brain. "What" Louis says breathily, completely in shock. Harry thinks over what he just said, but he wouldn't have it any other way. "Im serious Lou", they've finally pulled up to the school and parking right up front, Harry braves himself to look at Louis. The boy is already looking back at him with his innocent blue eyes. "Are you serious?" Louis asks.
"I kinda already said I was but if you need more clarificat-", his words get cut off as Louis launches himself at him, arms tightening around his neck, Harry hears a mumbled "Thank you" against his neck as he hugs the boy back.

    "Alright kid you're gonna be late if you don't hurry on out, give me your phone so I can give you my number", Harry asks. Louis looks away at that softly answering, "Oh... I left it at home, I was in a hurry to get out and I forgot". Harry attempts to quickly deflecting from the reason why Louis had to leave so abruptly by saying,"Thanks fine, what time do you get out of school, I'll pick you up", "3 o'clock" comes Louis response.
    "Alright kiddo, I'll be there", he reaches over to the back seat retrieving a sweater and handing it to Louis, who maintains a confused expression. "It's cold, now go on get outta here", he says lightheartedly.

    Harrys eyes track every one of Lous movements as he exits the car, and walk off towards the entrance of his school. It isn't until the remaining students filter in, doors finally shutting close, and the cars around him have all dispersed, that Harry sags against the steering wheel. His mind is going a million miles per hour and not one thought offering a solution. He'll have to figure it out as they go.

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