My Eyes Met Her

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The end of summer came to a miserable end, the school year has started. The next four years are going to be hell for me. Class schedules are passed out on the first day, English I, my first period every other day. Little did I know this would be the beginning of a beautiful thing. Roll was being called in the beginning of my first period. Zoned out as roll was being called, there was this girl that had my attention from the moment I laid eyes on her when she walked through the door. Neveah, this girl was drop dead gorgeous. And not in the typical way, she didn't have long flowing hair, nor did she wear the girliest clothes known to the world. She was herself, something I had never known. As soon as my eyes met her, I knew there was something about her that I wouldn't be able to forget. This girl wasn't the most popular girl in school, but she sure was something special all on her own.
We really didn't get off to the best start, hell I thought she was going to hit me when I said something about the glasses she was wearing. After that we never really talked, and she never noticed me. I couldn't get the thought of her out of my head, she was what I spent most of my time admiring every morning, just seeing that beautiful smile in the morning when someone else would make her laugh. Or the way she concentrated on the assignments given. Im sure she noticed me staring at her, just about everyone else did. But her attention was the only attention I wanted. I wanted her to be my first everything. My first kiss, after looking at those soft, sweet lips of hers that were perfect in everyway. My first love, as soon as I realized she wasn't a typical girl, she was different, not in a cliche way; but in a way where I knew that she was the one I had always longed for. And these thoughts were wrong of me to think considering I was in a long distance relationship if that's what you wanna call it. But no matter how hard I tried I couldn't get the thought of Neveah out of my head, no matter how hard I tried. Plus she was taken anyways, I had no chance of even being with her.
Brent, not the cutest guy in the cookie jar, but I guess she was into that. Its not what's on the outside that counts, it's what's on the inside. I thought they had the perfect relationship.
Neveah and I had been put into a group together for a group project, this is when my palm would sweat from how nervous she made me, and how my pupils would dilate when I looked at her. She was my own high. I was too nervous to even talk to her and she thought it was hilarious, how my words would slur, and I couldn't find the words to explain what I was thinking. For this project, we had to fill out a group contract in which we had to exchange numbers. Oh, I was so happy I had a stealthy way to obtain her number, which I wouldn't use for anything seeing I was too nervous to even carry on a conversation with her.
As the school year moved on from that, she seemed to be happy with Brent. So I wasn't going to get in the way of that. But it was after school one day when we were walking to wait for our rides, I noticed something was wrong. The tears rolling down her face gave it away. But I was concerned, secretly I was hoping her and Brent were over. So I made sure she had my number to text me. After all, I was right. Her and Brent had it out and they were "done." We had texted back and forth for what seemed like forever, just getting to know each other a little more. Finally. She, out of nowhere, texted "so, do you want to be my girlfriend?" I had to think about it even though I was dying to take her up on the offer as soon as the butterflies started when I read that message. But before I looked stupid in front of her friends I had to make sure they were actually finished. She had assured me that they were, which I believed reluctantly.
The weekend passed fairly quickly, which scared me because she was my first real girlfriend. But as soon as I walked in the upstairs hallway, the first thing I saw was Neveah and Brent sucking face against the lockers. A stab in the heart, but I brushed it off like it was nothing, held my head high, and walked passed them. My heart shattered, I had slowly fallen for Neveah as soon as my eyes met her.
I stalked her Twitter, to see what was really going on with her and Brent. We still texted like we were together, but I knew we weren't. Nothing was really made official after that day I saw her and Brent in the hallway that Monday following the three day relationship we had shared. Lunch was the hardest, that's when I had to and watch the "lovefest" between the two, only wishing it was me. My friends would drag me out of the cafe to save me the pain of watching the girl my heart belonged to with this other guy. The days Neveah wasnt with Brent, she was outside sitting with this dark skinned boy Marcus. They seemed to be talking about things. I guess talking led to a relationship between Neveah and Marcus, soon after Brent was out of the picture.
Time passed and I tried to forget all about her, that was the hardest thing I'd ever done. She didn't know how much I really did love her. She had no idea that no matter how hard I tried she had always had my heart since that rainy Friday in February. She had held the key to my heart since that time my eyes met her.

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