Chapter 35

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Pein did not appear to be returning to the Village anytime soon, and slowly those left alive began to pull the bodies out of the rubble to start counting. The hospital, which had taken the form of a series of tents just outside the wall, was overflowing with patients, Medical Ninja hard at work. Those alive were left behind with the broken pieces of what used to be their home.

Mai sat on the ground with her legs crossed Indian style, staring at the hands resting in her lap. The tears had slowed, but not stopped, dripping onto the dirty skin. The teen didn't blink, in too much pain to be responsive to anything.

"What a mess," Choza muttered, shaking his head.

Choji walked over to the distraught ninja, shifting from foot to foot. "Mai... we should go meet up with the others outside the gate," he said.

The Be Fong didn't respond.

"Anything?" the father asked when his son returned to his side.

"I think... she finally broke..."

They couldn't allow the ninja to just sit there unguarded. Not in her weaken state. However, both were hesitant to touch the Be Fong. Knowing what she was capable when in her right mind, like this she was unpredictable. As the two tried to think of a solution without warning the bodies littering the area around them began springing to life, gasping for air as if it were their last.

"What?" Choza exclaimed.

Chuunin and Jounin from his team that had taken on multiple Paths of Pein began coming back to life, wildly looking around and trying to make sense of what happened. It wasn't just them as every person in the Village who had met their doom began awakening.

"What the heck is going on?" Choji exclaimed.

Kakashi's eyes opened wide before sitting up, breathing deeply to try and refill his lungs. His confused face whipped back and forth, trying to figure out how he was still alive.

"What happened?" he asked weakly, coughing.

"Kakashi too!"

"I'll explain everything," Katsuyu spoke up in a calm voice.

Naruto had managed to stop Nagato, the wielder of the Six Paths of Pein. Refusing to kill the Akatsuki member and stating that he would be the one to break the cycle of hatred the man was amazed by the resolve. He put his faith in the Leaf Ninja and revived all those killed during the invasion.

"Jeez," Choji muttered, scratching his head in shock.

"That kid," Choza chuckled shaking his head. "Let's get you to a healer just in case."

The two helped the young man to his feet, checking that he was capable of walking. Something collided with Kakashi's chest, nearly making him fall backward again. He looked down at a mess of black hair, startled.

"Mai...?" the Jounin questioned.

The girl had him in a death grip around the torso, face buried into the vest. Her shoulders were shaking.

"Damn you..." she muttered. The tears had come back full force, but out of relief and happiness. Finding it impossible to keep her emotions in check. "For making me cry..."

Kakashi smiled lightly, hugging back just as tightly. "I'm sorry," he answered. "I'm so sorry for worrying you, Mai. Guess I was late after all."

A short laugh escaped her lips almost sounding like a sob of relief.

"You're not hurt, are you?"

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