Chapter 11

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Belva wasn't surprised to find Kakashi at her door the next morning. The woman allowed the Jounin to enter as the two sat at the small table in the conjoined kitchen.

"You knew, didn't you?" he asked.

"To an extent," she answered. "Even if I was her sensei, I couldn't know every detail. Our combine knowledge wouldn't even be enough to fully understand her situation. But I am proud for a ninja of her age to accomplish so much."

"And have you ever considered her safety in all of this? What she must be going through at the fact that she'd had to go up against Sasuke or Itachi for that matter? Considered her feelings in all of this after her history?"

The woman watched him carefully. "If you think that I'm the one who pushed her down this path to join Phantom, you are wrong. There is only one individual we can blame in all of this, and unfortunately this person cannot be here to see that."

"Sasuke Uchiha."

She nodded.

"Naruto and her are not so different. Both wish to become stronger in their own ways to protect those close to them. In order to save Sasuke in some way. The number of exams she has completed in these last few years has been astounding."

"Don't you think it's too fast?"

"I asked the same questions, but she made a choice. Everything that Mai has done has been her decision. I've merely trained her to be sure she was ready for any challenge that may present itself."

The young man sighed, "Where is Mai now?"

"Sleeping. She's in need of rest."

"Has she been staying here ever since...?"

"The disappearance."

He nodded.

"No. From time to time she returns to her own home on the outskirts. I know both Sakura and yourself have looked there before, but she's always one step ahead of your movements. She stays here as well on occasion when not on a mission, but sometimes..."


Belva sighed. "Mai's never said anything, but I'm fairly certain she sometimes stays in Sasuke's abandoned apartment. Maybe even Naruto's since the two had grown close before he left."

This information surprised the Jounin. He hadn't thought to check those two locations.

"Let's be honest. Out of Team 7, besides Sasuke, Naruto knew her the best."

"How often is she on missions?" Kakashi asked.

"Every chance she gets," Belva said. "Mai doesn't exactly like sitting around, especially since the incident. Any mission that comes in, even those that have no hands on it, she volunteers."

"No matter the danger?"

"No matter the danger. Sometimes I wonder if she even fears being harmed or death itself." The kitchen grew silent once more. "Why else did you come, Kakashi?"

"To be sure she left the hospital without issues and didn't sneak out. Disappear again like before. And I'm also calling a team meeting. I wanted her to be there."

"She's been promoted. She's no longer tied to team duties. Besides, from what I've heard you've gained new members in Yamato and Sai."

"Mai is still a member of Team 7 no matter what position she holds. Being part of Phantom does not matter to me. Her involvement is crucial since we are going after a similar target."

The woman nodded in understanding. "I'll tell her you stopped by."

"One o'clock."


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