Chapter 17

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"You look like hell," Belva spoke, as she walked into the hospital room.

"I feel like it," Mai muttered. "How are the others?"

"That bastard, Ryo, will be perfectly fine. Though his ass has already been sent home for that stunt he pulled in the arena. That selfish attitude never flies with the Proctors. The two left behind from the other team are indeed dead. You were smart not to lug their bodies back. Doosun is fine as well, up and walking around."

"And Teru?"

"She had to undergo emergency surgery, but it's said she'll make a full recovery."

Mai felt relief to hear that. The teen really had been worried.

"You are in for a long recovery though, like she is. Strained and torn muscles, lacerations, and body fatigue. You're a real mess."

"Thanks, sensei, it's nice to see you too. At least I'm in one piece."

The woman sighed heavily. Ibiki's decision to hold the final exam so close to the second had been a last second decision to further test the candidates. But more so the Be Fong. The teen was definitely on his radar, now more than ever, for future promotions within the ninja community.

"Yes, I am happy that you've managed to escape in one piece," Belva said, "but you got a little too close to death in that group simulation. Though I don't blame you. You had an idiot on your team."

"So... when will we know the results?" Mai asked.

"By the afternoon. Not many of the Chuunin who survived can walk. The senseis will hold a meeting and then we'll come back with the results."

An hour passed before a Jounin came in search for Belva, leaving the Leaf Ninja alone. She began to observe the room to find something to stay occupied and pass the time.

"Just been put in a hospital bed and you're already looking for something to do," a voice said.

Doosun stood in the doorway, leaning against the frame.

"Nice to see you awake."

"Nice to see you up and walking," the Be Fong commented.

"Don't be too jealous. It's a bitch getting up and sitting down. Muscles are all messed up."

"Join the club. Have you seen Teru?"

"Was just about to head her way till I saw you were up."

"Can I come?"

He cocked a brow. "You sure you should be out of bed?"

"Does it matter?"

Doosun grabbed a wheelchair before helping the Leaf Ninja into it. If he didn't roll her down the hall, the teen would drag herself to see Teru one way or another.

"You're very talkative," he suddenly spoke up.

"Is that a problem?" Mai wondered.

"No, just stating an observation. When we all started, you wanted nothing to do with anyone. At least in the communication department. Unless going over strategy. You've seemed to warm up to us enough, though."

There were IVs and wires hooked up to Teru, who lay propped up in bed. Her eyes lit up at the sight of her visitors. Immedaitely, she began to thank Mai constantly for saving her life.

"Alright, alright, I get it, you're thankful," the Leaf Ninja finally cut her off. "But the important thing is, how are you feeling?"

"I'll survive," Teru answered. "They managed to sew me up so I didn't split completely in half."

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