Chapter 31

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Since that evening Belva came by Mai's home every other day. The teen had retreated once more into herself, completely drained of emotion. Even on the days when the woman wouldn't approach her pupil face-to-face the ninja would watch in the shadows. When the Be Fong was walking and training with Hinata, joining Iruka now and then for ramen on his lunch break, or just being on her own lost in thought. Of course, a watchful eye would eventually notice the woman's movements.

"You've been around a lot more."

The voice caused her head to turn watching Kakashi approach. Closing the book in hand the young man addressed her properly.

"You're never in the Village unless you have to," he said. "And even if you are, you're careful not to be out in the open. Why the change in behavior?"

"It's my own personal endeavor," Belva answered.

The Jounin's eye flickered towards the street noticing Mai and Hinata checking out a local vendor. Both were not in uniform, the Hyuuga having just returned the previous day from a mission. While since the death of Itachi Uchiha, the Be Fong had been taken off missions. The Akatsuki had been lying low as of late, but that didn't mean any of them could let down their guard.

"You're worried for her," Kakashi said.

"So are you," Belva said.

"How is she doing?"

"Not well at all. But maybe you should ask for yourself."

Both watched Hinata hold up a trinket and Mai offered up her opinion. Whatever she said made the Chuunin laugh and a small smile came to the ninja's own lips. The teens moved on through the market leaving their sight.

"How is Naruto?" the woman wondered. "Are there any leads on the code Jiraiya sent back with the toads?"

A toad had been the one to return from the battle against Pein with a code written on his back in blood. The last information they received from the Sannin before he died. No one knew what it was, and it became a heavily guarded secret among a select few. No one wanted this information getting out from behind the walls of the Village. In case Akatsuki tried to retaliate in response.

"We're still working on it," the Jounin said. "Shikamaru's overseeing the decoding department looking for an answer."

"Then we're in good hands." The woman pushed off the wall. "See you around, Kakashi."

"Done spying for the day?"

Belva chuckled under her breath. "I'll leave that to you now."


Waving to the departing Hyuuga, Mai watched Neji join her side. The two had been called away to a Clan meeting. It has disrupted the females plans of a relaxing afternoon yet the teen understood the importance of speaking with the elders.

"Are you going to keep following behind me at a distance or actually speak your mind?" Mai called out.

A chuckle came from around the corner of a building. "Your hearing has improved," Kakashi stated.

"No, my strings are only less noticeable now."

"Of course." The young man came to stop beside her, nose in a book he had read countless times.

"Don't you ever get bored of reading those novels?" she wondered.


"Why not?"

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