Chapter 10

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The ninja wasn't surprised to find Tsunade and Ibiki in her room when she woke next. Her teammates were nowhere to be found. Either they had left on their own or been ordered to leave and come back later. Judging from the expression on the Hokage's face, she was aware of the discussion in the room only hours ago. When neither of them said a word, the air felt tense and uninviting.

"So what now?" Mai finally asked. "They witnessed what happened out there. And figured out which branch I work for."

"Did you tell them?" Tsunade questioned.

"Kakashi-sensei pieced it together when no other organization matched up. He was the one who explained the meaning behind Phantom to the others... at least the basics of what he knows about the organization."

Tsunade thought for a moment to figure out what to do now that her position among Phantom had been leaked.

"If Kakashi knew what was good for him, he'd stay out of it," Ibiki said. "Knowing too much is dangerous."

"This is the White Fang's son," the woman said. "Of course he would figure it out." Her attention moved towards the teen in bed once more. "You are one of our most reliable assets in Konoha. Removing you from Phantom because of this would not benefit us in any way. But now that Team 7 knows of your position, I want you to take a more active role in ANBU once more. From there we will call you in for more pressing matters. These orders will precede Ibiki's original assignments, which he will be aware of a change in the lineup. Is that clear?"

"Yes," the teen answered.

"Looking forward to seeing you work in the field again in a more normal compacity. I apologize for the wound. Despite Shizune and my efforts, it was the best we could do. A scar will always be in place."

"It's alright."

"Two weeks off. Then come to my office. Shizune will be around in an hour or so to release you."

"Yes, ma'am."

The two left without another word.

She had really screwed up. Which was all she could think about when Shizune entered later. And the scar would be a reminder of that upon leaving the hospital. As Mai left the hospital, she didn't try to hide her presence. Like sneak out of the building. If the Hokage wanted her to become more present around the Village, then it started now. The ninja was thankful she didn't pass anyone she 'knew'. Or ran into anyone from Team 7. She didn't feel like answering more questions. She moved out of the gates of Konoha and down the road before taking the hidden path through the forest. It had been a few months since her last visit and Mai wouldn't put it past Tsunade and Ibiki to tell her sensei what had occurred. Being out here would be a nice relief from remaining behind the walls. The Be Fong wasn't quite ready to face the questions from her teammates and acquaintances from the Academy. She needed to clear her head.


The pot whistled on the stove. Belva removed the item and filled two cups on the counter. Taking them both in hand, she walked towards the porch and found her guest sitting on the wooden platform, staring off into the forest. The woman passed off a cup and joined their side. The woman already knew she would come by. Her eyes traveled down towards the bandages wrapped around the chest area that peeked out from the collar of the loose shirt.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Belva wondered.

It took a moment for Mai to respond, sipping the tea quietly.

"No... I've already grown to accept it," she said. "There was no way for him to know it was me. And I was as much at fault. I attacked with the intent to kill because my life was on the line. But obviously that drive wasn't enough with the limited use of my Chakra Strings to avoid detection. Whereas his murderous intent as grown tenfold since we last saw one another. He was nearly successful in his efforts to kill me."

Belva remained silent for her student to continue when ready.

"Things can never go back to the way they once were. I've known that fact for a very long time, as much as I wish it weren't true. And you don't have to worry. Even though Sasuke knows where I am now, he still has to worry about me as an opponent. I will never hold back like in the past. I've grown as well."

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