The Fall (draft)

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This is a draft of the fall I never really completed.

3rd person Pov:

"So this is the realm of the first spinjitzu master. Soon the power will be gone forever" stated the omega looking at Hunter.

He began to chant something as the boy felt a unbearable go through out his body.

The tenticales released him as he fell to the ground clutching his stomach. Oni features began to form on him. His eyes now shone a bright purple as he stud back up, turning to Lloyd and Garmadon.

"Power. Father what is he talking about. And what is he doing to Hunter" Lloyd asked turning to Garmadon.

"What do you think, the power of your grandfather. The power of creation. And I do not know what happened to your friend" answered the lord of destruction.

"Soon, there will be nothing but destruction. Your friend is under the control of darkness itself. You... Are oni. Why have you not taken this realm" asked the omega as Garmadon struggled to speak.

"Well I... It's complicated. Enough talk. Let's get this over with" Garmadon stated but before he could finish Lloyd went for the omega using spinjitzu to attack it. But was immediately flung back into a wall by Hunter who had summoned his staff hitting Lloyd directly in the stomach.

"You can't defeat us that easily" laughed the now corrupted Hunter, grabbing the camera and crushing it with his foot.

Garmadon ran at the omega who tried
Who tried hitting him with his staff. But failed as Garmadon dodged all of his attacks. Except for one making him get thrown to the ground.

"Is that the worst you can do. I'm growing bored" Garmadon smirked blasting the omega with his dark power.

Garmadon's power only bounced back at him as the omega used his staff to redirect it. Causing him get out of the way as it destroyed a wall behind him.

As the two got back up, Lloyd was hit by the oni making him hit a wall agian.

"Don't just sit there! Get up and fight" Garmadon harshly told Lloyd. Who regained balance charging at the oni once more. Only to be launched all the way into a display stand, knocking the sword of sanctury from it's stand.

"The sword of sanctury" Lloyd gasped grabbing the blade, "the future is reflected in it's blade. Let's try that agian."

Lloyd jumped over the remaining rubble, leaping at the the omega. Only for a inky tenticale to grab him by the waist throwing into a wall agian.

"I'm getting tired of this" sighed Lloyd, "Hunter you have to snap put of it."

"So am I! How did you ever defeat me in the first fighting back agianst the omega's misty tenticales.

Lloyd thought for a moment looking at the crystal. Before running towards it, the omega and Hunter tried to stop him aiming tenticales at him. Lloyd only sliced them with the sword.

In a dramatic way, Lloyd leaped towards the realm crystal shattering it into a million pieces.

"Took you long enough" Garmadon scoffed seemingly not quite impressed.

"Oh come on. That was awesome" Lloyd shot back.

"It was adquite" Garmadon responded turning to Lloyd.

Hunter returned at the omega's side. The menacing purple eyes shining brighter.

The omega hit his staff agianst the ground, "FOOLS! The realm crystal was merely the key by which we opened the gateway. Destroying it will accomplish nothing."

"You said it would stop them" shouted Lloyd turning to his father.

"Well I..." the dark lord began not finding the right words to finish his sentence.

"Well what" Lloyd questioned.

"I thought it would work" Garmadon snapped.

"Well you thought wrong" Lloyd was now scolding his father.

The omega began to repeatly tap his staff agianst the ground  as the sound of whispering could be heard. Releasing a dark mist from within it.

Oni crawled from out of the mist consuming the ground, leaving Lloyd frightened.

"You can not escape it we will find you" Hunter stated running at the pair.

"Maybe we should consider another tactic" Garmadon began as he ran the opposite direction of the oni, into the second vault.

Lloyd soon followed after his father who summoner his powers, blasting them at a wall making it collapse into rubble.

The two kept on running with Lloyd glancing back behind him to see Hunter and the oni nearing.

Garmadon shot at another wall soon releasing that it was a dead end.

"What are you waiting for! Blast a hole to the next vault" Lloyd yelled a bit of impatience in his tone.

"There aren't anymore vaults. Bedrock, no way through" Garmadon explained to his son.

"Try that wall" Lloyd pointed towards another wall but Garmadon's power had no effect on it either.

The oni had now caught up with the pair cornering them, raising their weapons ready for a fight.

Lloyd tuned to his father before charging at the oni fighting them head on. But failed instantly as his sword was swung out of his hands and to the ground.

The corrupted Hunter soon appeared from behind him. Grabbing the ninja by the collar and swinging him towards his father.

"I want you to know I blame you for all of this" Garmadon stated pointing at Lloyd.

"Me! This was your plan! And it's the reason Hunter has been corrupted" Lloyd shot back while getting back up.

As the oni neared them a bright light suddenly stopped them.

"Why aren't they attacking us" Lloyd asked.

Lloyd turned around  to see something bright making his jaw open on shock. he tapped his father and he followed his son's gaze, "the amour of the golden master" they both said in unison.

Lloyd grabbed the amour shoofing it into the oni's faces.

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