Sons of garmadon

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3rd person Pov:

All ways being locked up in the Palace  Harumi had a lot of time to plan her revenge.

She'd been always been interested in garmadon the true hero of ninjago not the ninja.

Harumi studied everything about garmadon and knew a way on bringing him back she remembered her adoptive father telling her about the temple of ressurection for this to work they needed three oni masks.

She found out that her brother had recently disappeared from the orphanage.

She knew he hated the ninja as much as she did a would be willing to join the course.

So the only thing she had to do now is find an army willing to join her course.

A few months later after the plan:

Harumi was able to build a robot known as Mr E to find thugs to join her team during her time as the Princess of ninjago.

Her brother was able to find the place they were the sons of garmadon would meet up at it was an abandoned subway.

Couple of hours later:

He could see that they're were two poeple there other than the thugs ultra voilet and kilo as he entered the subway after speaking with Mr E.

"Look what we have here a little boy" killow laughed and everyone around him laughed except for Mr E who just stud there emotionless.

"do you really think you can lead a team of bikers" kilo chuckled.

Hunter ran up to kilo grabbing him by the neck nearly choking him until kilo begged for it to stop.

"Who else wants to question the right hand man to the quite one" Hunter exclaimed.

"Call me alpha"

They all looked frightened until finally kilo stud back up "yes alpha" he bowed and the rest did the same.

Suddenly Mr E walked upfront of them pressing a switch and delivering a message from Harumi.

"Sons of garmadon I have recently found a way to being garmadon back to do this we need three oni masks".

"I have already located the where abouts of the first to masks. The first one we are going after is know as the mask of vengeance and it is locked up in borg tower heist will start in about twenty four hours" a hologram of the mask of veagance was shown.

"You heard the quite one" Hunter huffed "get to work".

Everyone got ready for the hiest to begin and in twenty four hours they'd all go get the mask to start the plan on bringing lord garmadon back.


Sorry the the short episode the season will officially start now


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