Chapter 18

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"You okay, Beautiful?" Marc asked spotting her in his office chair a couple of hours later.

"Yeah," she smiled softly at him, "just needed a quick break."

"Need me to get one of the guys to come get you?" Marc asked as he leaned against the doorframe with his arms crossed over his chest in a casual way.

"No," she shook her head. "I just needed a moment that's all. I promise I'm okay, well a little nervous but okay, not ready to leave yet."

"Okay," he nodded. "You know I'm proud of you, right?"

She smiled at him, "So you said."

"And if you would check your phone you would see that I'm not the only one."

"Can't believe that you told them," she mumbled as she clutched her hair and groaned. "I caused a huge scene at your shop Marc, how can you be so calm?"

"Because you did nothing wrong," Marc said pushing off the doorframe walking over to her. While he had to admit it was sexy as hell seeing her sitting in his chair at his desk, he knew he had to focus on other matters right now. He crouched down and turned the chair so she was forced to face him. Taking her hands in his, he kissed them then smiled. "You stood up for yourself in front of those bitches and everyone else as well. You were strong and fucking sexy as hell." She scoffed and rolled her eyes, "You were Angel. You may not think so but it was so beautiful seeing you stand up for yourself, not relying on me or someone else to protect you. Yes, I was seconds away from stepping in but you proved you didn't need me to rescue you. You put those bitches in their places, you did that, not me, and it was fucking hot watching you do that. You are taking back your life, Angel, one step at a time. This was a huge thing for you to do and it was beautiful to watch you do it."

She hugged him and sniffled, "Thank you."

"Since everyone has left already, how about we close up early and go get some lunch?" Marc asked after a few moments of silence.

"Will it be okay to see about everyone joining?" she asked hesitantly. "I just—"

"Of course," he smiled. "That sounds perfect. I'll call them and get started on closing up while you take all the time you need."

She smiled and hugged him tighter before pulling away. She noticed that none of them released her from their hugs until she let go. It was like they were waiting on her to decide when to and she loved it.

Hearing the bell above the door signaling that someone walked in made her sigh and shake her head, "guess lunch with everyone is going to wait," she muttered to herself before taking a deep breath and standing to go see if Marc needed any help.

"There you are!" Luke beamed as she walked into the dining room area. He rushed over to her, picked her up and swung her around making her burst out giggling. "Our sweet strong girl, standing up for herself. And damn you looked sexy as hell yelling at that bitch!"

She blushed but continued to giggle as he swung her around again, making everyone smile at her happiness. "You're silly," she laughed as she wove her fingers into his blonde hair.

"Now sit your pretty ass right there while we help close up so we can go get some lunch," Luke said as he playfully swatted her ass before sitting her on the counter by the register.

"But I can help," she pouted while locking her ankles together and started swinging them back and forth.

"You did all morning," North shook his head, "now you rest, Baby."

"Fine," she pouted knowing it was better than to argue with them. "Can we go to the diner?"

"For lunch? Sure," North nodded. "I'll go ahead and call Uncle so he can get started. Do you know what you want to eat?"

She shook her head, "No, he can just decide."

"Okay," North smiled as he pulled his phone out of his pocket.

Owen strolled over to her while adjusting his cufflinks, making her stop swinging her anklets and watch him. Seeing her watching him while sitting up a little straighter made him let slip a tiny smirk. He leaned over placing his hands on each side of her until he was just millimeters away from her, staring into her dark brown eyes. "You are such a good girl," he whispered. Her face lit up and he smirked as he walked away to get his jacket off the back of the chair where he had placed it. He slipped it on, fastened his buttons then called out, "Come along Darling."

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