Chapter 6

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"But mom, is this really necessary? I don't want to," I whine to my mom. I can't believe she decides something for me again after I had apologized to her.

"It's already been decided, Rin. I'm sorry." I thought you know me pretty well but I guess you don't really know.


-Last night-

"Yes, mom. What is it that you want to talk about?" I sit on a couch beside her while she sits on a sofa.

"You know, I'm really sorry for doing this to you again but I have no choice," she beat around the bush. I guess it's something I really hate.

"What is it, mom? Don't make me get suspense." Is this the reason why she took the day off and cooked for me? I'm really curious.

"Well, you're going to change schools, again." Am I hearing that right? Did she say, to change schools? AGAIN?

"WHAT?!" This can't be! Am I dreaming? But I like the school so much. "It's not because I got bullied right?" Was that the reason why she decides this at the last moment?

"No, Rin. I already decided this long ago but I couldn't find the right time to talk about this with you." Well, maybe because you're too busy with your own world that you forgot about your own daughter.

"But why? Is it really necessary to change schools? Tell me the reason why I need to change schools; AGAIN." I lost count of how many times I had changed schools. 

"Yes, it is really necessary. I want you, no," she corrected her sentence. "I need you to take over my business later when you finish studying."

"But, I thought I told you already that I don't want to take over your business. I want to be an archer." Sigh. I really don't want to argue right now.

"What good comes from being an archer? There are more cons rather than pros. I want you to take over my business. It's much more stable and I could teach you about it if you have any questions." That's not the only problem here, mom. Don't you even consider my feelings? Do you only follow your feelings without talking with me?

"Mom, please. I don't want to argue about this matter again." We had fought a lot about this back in the old days. I'm tired but I won't give up what I want. "And, that's not the only problem here right now. Why can't I just stay at my current school? Why do I have to change schools just because I need to take over your business? Why is it connected?" I asked her calmly.

"Because I know the principle there and we're connected with each other in this business. So, it'll be easier if you want to take over." Just because of that? That stupid reason? "I want you to be like me, baby," she continued.

"I don't want to be like you! I want to be me! Why do I have to be like you? Why do I have to be someone that's not even me? Do I have to follow everything you asked me for? Why can't you even consider my feelings before deciding something? Why can't you talk with me before you do something for me? I'm an adult teenager, mom! I'm not a kid anymore so, don't treat me like a child," fuming with rage, I throw her bullets of my feelings. About to tear up but I hold my tears so she doesn't treat me like a kid. "I don't want to be fake, mom. Let me be myself. And please ask me first if you want to decide something for me," I calm down a bit. I can't be emotional at times like this. The moment you become emotional, that's the moment you die.

Mom stays quiet. She becomes stiff while looking at me. I wave my hand in front of her face. "Mom, are you okay?" Did I say too much? I didn't go way overboard, right?

"Ah, right. Sorry, Rin but no matter how much you hate it, I can't do anything about it."

"What do you mean by that?" She can't possibly be like this. Mom, please.

"You're going to start going to the new school starting tomorrow." I can't believe this. I got betrayed by my own mom again.

"Sigh. What's done is done, I guess." I stand up from my sitting position to go to sleep. I don't want to get stressed by this. I have a lot to do and this is only a small matter. I can't be bothered by something that happens often. "Also, mom. I'm really sorry for raising my voice to you again. I guess, I'm a little stressed by what happened at school." Mom just smiles at me and nods. 



"Well, at least you'll be there with me right?" I said, having high hopes.

"Sorry, I have to run today but the principal will come to you. Don't worry." I'm not worried about that. You were never there whenever I transferred schools. Aren't you excited about your own child being able to go to school?

"I guess," I said in a low tone. I'm upset but there's nothing I can do. "Bye then, mom." I wave to her before she went out to her car. At least I can have scrambled egg sandwiches for breakfast. 

"Don't worry so much, Rin." Nanny sits beside me from the kitchen. "Like I said before, your mom just wants the best for you. All moms are like that." She comforts me warmly.

"True but I don't think it's too much like mom did. Sure, they want the best but not to 'that' extent. Sometimes, I'm tired by my own mother but she's my mother so I shouldn't be like so," I vent to nanny before going to school. I finish every bit of the sandwich and go to school straight after. I don't want to be late on my first day. I wonder how the school will look like, mom didn't tell me any detail because I was too tired to deal with all of that.

Khyrinn BasheerahWhere stories live. Discover now