Chapter 5

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"I'm back!!!!" I said excitedly. Can't wait to tell nanny and mom what happened just now at school. Oh, that also reminds me about the chocolate I'm supposed to give Mom.

"Welcome back, Rin!" A very familiar voice came from the kitchen. 'That sounds just like mom. Is mom home? I didn't see her car in the garage.' Mom suddenly pops out of the kitchen. I was right!

"Hey, mom! I didn't know you were home. Where's your car?" I asked, curious. I thought she wouldn't be home until the evening.

"Yeah, I get to take the day off today and as for the car, I send it to get some things done," she said. It's great that she gets to take the day off finally. She hardly gets any rest these days. Some part of me is really worried about her. "Come sit here. I cooked your favorite dishes," she continues. I wonder if today is a special day.

"Um, well sure but let me change my clothes first," I also need to take the chocolate from the refrigerator. I quickly change into more comfortable clothes and then run to the kitchen.

"Huh, that's weird. It's already open. Did mom already take it? Well, that's that. I'll just explain everything and apologize to her then.

"Mom, have you taken the chocolate?" I asked her as I sat down on the chair in the dining room.

Mom who was scooping some rice for me, answered. " Yeah, nanny said you wanted to apologize. What's the matter, did something happen?" Oh, I see, nanny had given it to Mom already.

"Well, yes. I do want to apologize for raising my voice to you yesterday. I actually went to do some research about them and well, this and that happened and I would like to apologize to you. I'm sorry, mom." Fuh, I feel better after apologizing.

"Oh well, it's fine, baby. Some part of it is my fault too, so don't worry about it too much." I scoop some side dishes in front of me.

"That reminds me, is something special going on? I mean, you had a day off and then you cooked for me." I wanted to get some explanation from her about this.

"There is something actually but we'll talk about that later. Go on, take a bite, and tell me how it tastes. It's been such a long time since I last cooked so I might lose my touch." I proceed to take a bite after hearing what mom just said and surprisingly, it taste the same like the last time she cooked.

"Oh, mom! You won't believe what happened at school today." Mom seems interested and so, I told her everything. She's kind of mad that I get bullied at school but I didn't tell everything to her so she won't have to make me change schools.

Notes: Sorry if this part feels too short for you guys. Honestly, you guys prefer long or short chapters? Do let me know!

Khyrinn BasheerahWhere stories live. Discover now