Chapter 11

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I walk into my classroom. Avelyn is already sitting in her seat, smiling at me. Cute, I thought. "Morning, Ave!" I wave at her.

"Morning," she said as I sit down. "You seem like you're in a good mood. Anything happen?" she piqued interest suddenly. Well, I guess I'm also like an open book. Like daughter, like mother.

"Nothing important. Just that, I get to buy some stuff I've been wanting to get." I still can't believe I bought a Lego flower set with my own money yesterday. I've been saving for a long time just for this.

"What is it?" I guess she's interested in what I do. She may talk coldly but she really cares. I do like her personality.

"A Lego flower set! I've been saving for a long time and I finally get to buy it. Hence why, I'm in a good mood."

"Hmm? Why didn't you ask your mother to buy it for you? Aren't your mother rich?" Ah, yes. 'My mother is rich and I didn't ask her to buy stuff for me' kind of question again. I don't blame her for asking such question. It's how society works nowadays. Rich parents, spoiled children.

Huh, wait a minute. "How'd you know about my mother?" I don't recall telling them about my mother.

"The homeroom teacher already told us beforehand about you." Well, that is bad but I don't think she's like any of 'them'. She's nice and I like her... is what I probably want to think about her.

Since that's already been blown, I might as well let it all out. "Well, like how you guys may think of me, such as spoiled brat child. I am definitely not like that or how I'd like to put it as. I don't like to rely on my mom for the things I could afford by myself. Buying stuff with my own money is one of the examples. You should see me at home. Then, you can judge yourself," I explain at length with a proud smile.

"Oh, interesting," she nods once. "The teacher's here," she said while pointing at the front classroom door.


"Where do you want to eat today?" she leans on my table. Aghh, I might die!! Please stop flirting even if you don't mean it. "The toilet again?" she teases me. I'm already blushing when I thought I could be fine with her today. Ughhh!!

"Stop! I- anyway, it's not the toilet today." I'm blushing so hard, I couldn't find the correct words. My mind went blank.

She chuckles. Seriously, can you please not?! "Well, I don't want to eat with my friend today so how about we eat at the field?" she raises one of her eyebrows.

'Stop it, Rin! You know very well that you don't want to have any relationship with anyone after that one incident. They will only take advantage of you because you're from a rich family.' 'But what if they're a nice person like her?' I fight with my own self.


-Flashback to when Rin was 14 years old-

"Have you seen Noah?" I asked my classmates.

"I heard someone say they saw him at the back canteen," she said. Hearing that, I dash to the school canteen to meet with him. I had cooked some of his favorite dishes from home.

I walk with joy to meet him. For the first time, someone actually wants me and didn't criticize me for not having a father. They still don't know that my mom is rich. I would want to tell them but oh well, whatever. I couldn't care less about them. I'm just happy I have a boyfriend.

I heard a whisper. Is that him with his friends? I walk closer to them. "I don't even like her. I just want her money. She's so clingy and annoying. People are starting to notice that I dated her and started a rumor about us," said Noah. I wanted to cry but I hold it in for now. I want to listen more to their conversation. Maybe they aren't talking about me. But, I know for sure that's Noah's voice. Aghhh, whatever. I'm just gonna listen for now.

"What's her name again? Key- Kay or something?" Yeah, it can't be me. No way it's me.

"It's Khyrinn." I drop my lunch box that I had cooked for Noah. Tears start running from my eyes. The boys got flustered and quickly turn to the noise.

"Rin! Have you- been listening this whole time? I- I can explain." I walk towards him and pause for a moment to look at his face before I slap him hard.

"How dare you play with my feelings." I run out to my classroom. Luckily, we're not from the same class. I don't even know how he knows about my mother's business. I don't even want to think.

From now on, I won't be in any relationships. No matter how much the person can be trusted.


Get yourself straight, Rin! Wake up!

"We can eat there?" How nice! My last school have so many places we can't go to during recess. It gets boring sometimes.

"Of course!" That is probably the first time I heard her talk excitedly today. She often hides her emotion, I guess.

We walk to the field with our lunch boxes.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2023 ⏰

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