Chapter 2

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I look around the snack aisle. "Mom likes this brand but there's no almond one." Mom likes everything when there are almonds in it. Sigh. What should I do?" I scramble through the chocolate pile when a staff suddenly passes by me. "Excuse me," I call her hoping she would turn around. She looks like she's in a hurry.

She turns around when she hears me call her. "Yes, is there anything I can help with?" Fuh, luckily she turns around.

"Do you have this chocolate brand but with almonds?" I show the chocolate brand to her.

She looks shocked. Maybe there's no more stock in this store? "Wait, aren't you the daughter of the rich businesswoman?" Oh, that was it. I thought there was no more stock.

Sigh. I hope people will acknowledge me for who I am and not for who my mother is. They don't even know my name! This is the reason why I like to wear mask all the time. "No, I'm not sure who you're talking about. You got the wrong person. Sorry." I hide my face with my cap quickly because I got flustered. I'm sorry, I had to lie.

"But you really look like her." I guess she's a big fan of my mother that she can recognize me this quickly. I only appear on a guest show once with my mother.

"Hahaha... I get that a lot. Anyway, about the chocolate," I need to get out of here quick. People are staring. I don't like this.

"Yeah, we do have them in stock. Oh, Lee! Can you search for this brand but the almond one?" she passed the job to someone else. He looks my age. Probably a part-timer. That explains why he's being treated like that. Part-timers always get bullied like that and their pay is not even that high!

"Can you take off your mask? I just want to confirm it. Please!!!" she insists that I take off my mask.

"No, thanks. I... I don't like to show my face." Please, part-time boy, come back quickly.

She clicks her tongue. "I just want to see your face once," she rolls her eyes, giving up since I'm not budging. Rude. I'm gonna file a complaint to the manager.

I wait for that part-time boy to come back for a few minutes. Why are people still staring at me? Shoot! I wait at the corner aisle while hiding my face. I hope they will stop staring.

"Here, sorry it took a long time. It's kind of hard to find something very specific," he hands me the chocolate.

"Thank you and also sorry about that."

"It's okay. It's my job after all." He smiles but it doesn't look sincere at all. I wonder if something is going on. He looks very tired but trying very hard to hide it.


"I hope she's home when I'm back. Wait... never mind, no. I'll be dead by then." Mom is really sensitive if I go out by myself but if I have bodyguards around, that will only attract more attention from other people. I mean, I do want attention but I don't want people to know me as 'Mrs. Amelia's daughter'. I want them to know me as who I am. By my own name!

"Oh my god!" Someone falls from the stairs. A kid pushes a guy away and runs as fast as he can.

"Are you okay?" I ask nicely. Seems like he's bleeding on his knee. "You're bleeding. Hold on, I think I have a bandage with me."

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me," he looks up. Oh damn, he's hot. Wait... what am I doing right now... Focus Rin.

I keep searching my bag to find a bandage. Looks like it won't be easy. Girls' bags are always full of stuff.

"Finally, found it. Let me help you." He pushes my hand as he says "I can do it by myself. Thank you for helping." And he quickly runs away. Busy, I suppose.


"I'm back home," I say quietly. I have to be careful. If Mom knows I went out by myself, the chocolate apology will be ruined.

"Welcome back. Your mom is not home yet. Don't worry," nanny welcome me home. Luckily mom is not home yet. I'm safe.

"I bought this." I show her the chocolate bar. "It's her favorite type of chocolate."

"Okay, I'll tell you when she's home. Let me put it in the fridge first."

"Thank you!" I go to my room to put back all my stuff.

Khyrinn BasheerahWhere stories live. Discover now