Chapter 10

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"How was your school, Rin?" mom suddenly asked while I was watching my favorite tv shows from behind.

"When did you come back?" I didn't realize mom was home. I didn't hear her car dash in the garage. Mom sits beside me with a meticulous smile. That doesn't always mean a good thing. Something smells fishy.

"Quite some time ago, before you even got home. I finish work early and get to go back home after I was done." Oh, that's why I didn't hear any car noises. I thought I was being ignorant. "Anyway, how was school?" she repeats her question.

"It was great, I already made a friend. Her name is Avelyn. She's very nice and pretty," I said, not really paying attention to mom. I know mom probably already heard everything from nanny.

"Tell me everything then," mom piqued some interest. She leans on the sofa while facing me.

I pause the show and turn my face towards her as I say, "Mom, didn't you already hear everything from nanny?" I'm kind of tired after dealing with those bullies. My mood has been ruined because of them.

"Okay, honey. I'm sorry then. My apologies." Mom's apologies shocked me so I quickly apologize back. Mom did nothing wrong, it was all my fault.

"Let's get back to the topic. What did you want to talk about, mom?"

Mom chuckles. "You always see right through me huh, honey?" Well, it was kind of obvious. Mom is like an open book to me. If she's sad, happy, or mad, I can quickly tell whether it's from the eyes or the lips.

"You had that weird smile that you always do when you want to talk about something kind of important but also fun to you." Having this type of mother is kind of interesting, she still has that childish heart and I find it very adorable.

"Really!" she covers her lips. "I always do that?"

"Yes, mom. At least only with me," I ensure her. Because, being famous means you have to take care of your image very carefully or you might get hated or bash at because of something so small.

"Oh, that's great to know. I almost die hearing that." I giggled looking at mom. Mom side-eyeing me. She hates it then I guess when I giggled at her behavior. I can't help it no matter how much she hates it. "Well, anyway," she changes the subject. "what I want to say is that, have you met with the principal?" That's all she wanted to ask? I don't believe that, this is unlike her behavior. There's something else going on here.

"I didn't get the chance yet. But why do you ask?" I know there's something else she wants to say to me.

"That's a shame," she said in a low tone. "Well, anyway I was thinking about having a new," she pauses for a long time.

"What is it, mom? Just tell me." I can't wait anymore. This must be what she actually wants to talk about.

"You know what, never mind. I'll tell you some other time," mom gets up from her sitting and go straight to his office. What, that's it? I guess this is about a serious matter and she's not ready to tell me yet. Whatever, I'll just wait when she's ready.

Maybe, nanny knows about this. I'll just ask her after this show end. I continue to watch the show till the end.


"Nanny wait!" I stop nanny before she went to water the plant outside.

"Yes, Rin. What's the matter?"

I catch my breath before I continue. I have low stamina, I see. I just run for a short distance and I'm already out of breath. "Did you and mom talk about something important before?"

Nanny thinks for a while. "I don't think so. Why?"

"Just think of anything that you guys talked about," I insist her to tell me. "Something about getting a new stuff or anything?" I'm really desperate to know what mom wants to tell me.

"I really don't think there's anything in particular that talks about getting something new." I guess mom didn't talk about this matter with nanny.

"Well, that's okay then. Continue with what you were doing. I need to get some stuff done. Bye, nanny!" I run to my room.

"Rin, wait!" I was too fast to stop from running so I had to ignore nanny. Sorry, nanny. Next time I'll help you with stuff that I can help with.

Huff! Huff! I catches my breath. Hah, I need to exercise so bad. I lie in my bed to take a rest. My mind is running through a lot of thing right now, I can't keep calm. "Calm down Rin. Why are you so eager to know what mom wants to say. Just forget it for now."

Khyrinn BasheerahDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora