Chapter 12: The Guardian Nine

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"Naruto-kun, sweetie, is everything okay?" asked a concerned Kushina.

Naruto sighed. "No. Everything's changing and I can't do anything about it. I need help if I'm going to change everything for the better" said Naruto, earning a confused look from both of his parents.

"Naruto…what are you talking about?" asked Kushina.

It was now or never. "I've just gotta at least convince them to listen to me and not think I've gone crazy" thought Naruto, thinking of something. "Yeah, that should help."

"Please just promise me you'll hear me out. This is going to sound crazy, but I swear I'm telling you the truth" said Naruto.

"Don't worry Naruto, we'll listen. Now what seems to be on your mind?" asked Minato.

"Do you guys believe in time travel?" asked Naruto.

Both parents looked at their son wide-eyed and curious as to where that came from. Being an expert in space-time ninjutsu, Minato had delved into the theory behind time-travel, but he never thought it was quite possible at this point in time.

To regain their attention, Naruto held out his hand, channeling chakra into it and spinning it. Minato's eyes looked about ready to pop out of their socket when he saw his jutsu form in Naruto's hand. "I'm actually from about 8 years in the future. I came back nine years ago on the day I was born. Things got bad and it was the only way I could save everyone. But then last night, I realized that I can't do it all alone."

For the next minute, silence filled the room as Minato and Kushina were trying to process everything that had just been said, and then Kushina couldn't help but laughing.

"Okay son, I think you've just had a little too much ramen for tonight" laughed Kushina. Minato was still frozen at this point.

"Huh? But mom, I'm telling you the truth, dattebayo!" exclaimed Naruto. "I really am from the future!"

"Oh no, there it is. I thought I told your teachers to break you of that verbal tick" said Kushina. "I know these past few days have been crazy for us all. Perhaps you just need some sleep."

"Oh come on…dad?" Naruto sent a pleading look to Minato, hoping that Minato would at least calm Kushina down a bit to the point where he could explain things. However, Minato's mind was still focused on how exactly Naruto knew the Rasengan.

"Naruto…how do you know the Rasengan? Have you been getting in my notes again?" asked Minato.

"Maybe…but that's not where I got the Rasengan from" thought Naruto. "Dad, I swear I'm telling the truth. Ero-Sennin taught it to me, although I guess he didn't teach it to me in this timeline."

"Did someone call my name?!" called out a voice, jumping through the window.

"Sensei?" said Minato. "Don't you ever use the door?"

"I'm a ninja. And besides I remember you using the window when Sensei still had the hat" said Jiraiya. It was then that he noted the atmosphere of the room. "So what's going on, I hope I'm not intruding on anything."

Minato looked towards Naruto. "It's okay. I was going to tell Ero-Sennin anyways" said Naruto.

"Tell me what?" asked Jiraiya.

"Minato…have you been getting into the ramen late at night as well?" asked Kushina. While Minato had at least surrendered to hearing out Naruto's explanation, Kushina still thought she was hallucinating.

"Kushina, please just give Naruto a chance to explain" requested Minato. Kushina sighed and stopped her ranting for a moment.

"Okay then, out with it Gaki" said Jiraiya.

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