Chapter 14: Moving Forward

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Namikaze Minato, the Yondaime Hokage, currently residing in his office at his desk, was in deep thought about everything that had happened in the past few weeks. The chaos that had gripped his mind began just a few weeks ago when Shimura Danzo and his renegade ROOT organization, resulting in the death of most of the Uchiha clan, his old teammate and good friend, Uchiha Fugaku, and the coming forth of a dangerous threat to Konoha.

What followed soon after was probably the hardest for him to comprehend out of everything, but once he thought about everything that had happened over the past few weeks, it all made sense…or at least as much sense as it could. His son, Namikaze Naruto, was somehow a time traveler who had traveled back to the very moment he was born to stop what would have been a catastrophe not just for the village, but for his family as well.

Once he was able to piece that information together, the following action of actually making his son a jinchuriki was made clear as Naruto wasn't the only time traveler amongst them. Still, it was hard to believe that Naruto had managed to break away that cynical and shrewd exterior of Kurama's.

Based on the conversation between him and the eight others who were in the loop of this who time travel ordeal, they figured they still had some time before anything major happened and there was plenty of time to prepare. But still

Just a few nights ago, Minato realized the harsh reality of this entire situation…This was no longer Naruto's timeline. Many things had changed already, whether they were intended or not. The most obvious being that he was still alive and that Konoha was much stronger due to not having suffered what he predicted to be a near 40% loss due to the actions of a certain student of his nearly 10 years ago.

Most definitely, those extra 40% of Konoha's people had already done stuff that they hadn't in the previous timeline, resulting in even more changes, even if they were only minute. It was a result of what was probably the most shocking event that was what allowed for Minato to realize this. For some reason, and his wife's temper not helping the situation, the Hyuga clan had officially disowned and banished their heiress, who Kushina easily realized had developed a massive crush on Naruto in the past and was already starting to show signs of the same crush. The only positive outcomes of this whole ordeal being that Hinata was probably the first Hyuga to be banished without being sealed by their repulsive seal, and that she was now in the care of her godmother.

Still, Minato realized that already enough had changed to warrant his belief that this was no longer the same timeline that Naruto had come from…that pesky little butterfly effect.

Making a quick hand motion, a dog-masked ANBU appeared in front of Minato. "Kakashi, go round the rest of them up. There's something I need to discuss with everyone" said Minato.

"I see you're concerned to" replied Kakashi before shunshining away. However, before he could manage such a move, a large explosion racked the village and Minato shot to the window to see what was going on.

All around the village, multiple explosions were set off and the village itself was thrown into utter chaos.

From the window of his office, Minato spied a number of wild masked and feathered beasts, frantically darting across the rooftops in a panicked state. The main streets in Konoha were dyed in a mixture of red and orange colors with countless bodies lying motionless across the street. It looked as if Konoha had become a battlefield at the center of one of the great shinobi wars.

"Sensei?" asked Kakashi as he walked next to Minato. "What exactly is going on?"

"I think I've got a pretty good idea" replied Minato. "And as much as I hate to say it, two certain someones aren't going to be having ramen for some time."

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