Chapter 15: Finding a Lost Slug

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Two travelers moved quickly throughout the trees on their way towards a city on the boarders of the Land of Fire and the Land of Grass. One blur of red, followed closely behind by a blur of orange, leapt from tree to tree.

Normally, Jiraiya would have a hard time believing a kid could keep up with him, but then again this was Naruto he was with…time traveler and the same one who could somehow outrun all of Konoha's ANBU.

"Alright Gaki, we'll stop here for the evening," said Jiriaya as they came to the outskirts of a traveler's village about halfway between Konoha and the border of Kusa and their destination.

"Wow, we're moving a lot faster than we did last time," said Naruto.

"Really? How long did it take us to find Tsunade last time?" asked Jiriaya.

"Let's see. It took me three weeks to get the Rasengan down, with one of those weeks being after we found Tsunade so two weeks," replied Naruto.

Jiraiya didn't hear anything past getting the Rasengan down in three weeks. "Wait…you mastered the Rasengan in three weeks?"

Naruto grinned. "Yep!" Jiraiya mentally sighed, wondering what exactly this kid was capable if he could learn an A-rank jutsu in a matter of weeks, one that took Minato 3 years to invent and himself 4 months to learn.

"Anyways…why don't you go and find us a room and I'll be right over as soon as I…" Jiraiya's gaze shifted towards a sign with a silhouette of a woman on it. Naruto was doing everything possible to resist face palming himself.

"Next thing you know, he's going to ask me to hand over Gama-chan," thought Naruto, instinctively securing his frog wallet.

About three hours later, a 9-year old blonde was dragging an overgrown pervert out of the local brothel.

"Aw come on Naruto. Can't we have a little fun before finding Tsunade?" pleaded Jiraiya.

"That would be the case, if it wasn't MY money you were trying to spend!" shouted Naruto. By the time he had dragged Jiraiya out of the bar, the perverted sage was already trying to make a move on Naruto's Gama-chan.

"That's no way to thank me for teaching you an A rank jutsu," said Jiraiya, trying to play on Naruto's consciousness.

"Yeah, and I already paid you for it. Besides, I could get it from my dad for free if I had to," replied Naruto. "So are you actually going to teach me something on this trip?"

Jiraiya sighed. "Can't even let me have a little bit of fun. I promised you I'd teach you something. So what did you learn from me when I took you on that three year trip?"

Naruto thought a moment. "You know, besides improving my taijutsu a bit, I didn't really learn much besides how to make a bigger Rasengan. That and you tried to teach me how to control Kurama's chakra and how to resist genjutsu, but that didn't really work out too well."

"And my chakra won't be an issue for you this time around. Not to mention, with the two of us working together, that should take care of any genjutsus as well," spoke Kurama.

"And Kurama just told me I'm not going to have to worry about genjutsu or his chakra getting out of control," said Naruto.

"Really? That's it?" asked Jiraiya amazed. "You had three years to train with me and that's all you did?"

"Well, that's kind of all you taught me," said Naruto.

"What the hell? I didn't even teach you fuinjutsu or get you started on elemental manipulation?" asked Jiraiya. Naruto shook his head.

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