Chapter 11: The Fated Night

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It was a calm and quiet night all throughout Konoha.

The skies were clear and the moon shone brightly. At first glimpse, it was rather peaceful and serene, but there was something wrong.

For a ninja village, it seemed too quiet.

Two young boys were walking home from a late night survival exercise at the Academy.

They had managed to slip away from the usual mob of fan-girls and were enjoying a conversation with one another.

The blonde boy, who just so happened to have memories of a future he was trying to prevent, was also trying to contemplate how exactly he was going to prank his next victim, a rather unfortunate white-haired school teacher.

About a month ago, said blonde had managed to prevent a horrible event that befell his best friend in the previous timeline.

The funny thing is that he didn't have to really do much to prevent it. All that he had to do was stop one event from happening, which just so happened to be the destruction of the village at the hands of the Kyuubi no Kitsune, or as he liked to call the giant furball, Kurama, almost nine years ago.

Yes, Naruto wasn't the only time traveler. The Kyuubi had also traveled back with him as a last resort measure from the Fourth Shinobi War.

Ever since coming back, Naruto was careful not to change too many things, or else he would be left in a world of uncertainty as to what would happen next.

Well, as fate may have it, that uncertainty was about to bite his plans in the ass…hard.

The two friends, Namikaze Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke, came within sight of the gates of the Uchiha Clan Compound and it was at that moment that a blood-filled scream of terror pierced through the crisp night air.

Hearing the sounds the screaming coming from his own clan compound, Sasuke raced through the gates to see what was going on, leaving Naruto standing in the road hoping that what he was thinking was not happening not.

"Sasuke!" shouted Naruto as he tried to catch up with his friend.

When Naruto finally caught up with Sasuke, he raven-haired boy was standing in the middle of the street, eyes widened in horror as he took in the scene around him.

Naruto's reaction mirrored Sasuke's…it was happening, the Uchiha Massacre was happening right in front of his own eyes.

Looking around the streets of the compound, one could see bodies littering the sides with the blood flowing from the cuts, wounds, and slashes on them.

"No…How?...I thought the date had passed" said Naruto to himself. "Please tell me…Please tell me Dad didn't order the execution of the Uchihas. There was nothing going on this time around!"

For a few seconds, Naruto could only help but to observe as the fated night repeated itself once again; however, a quick observation would have told anyone from the future that this wasn't the same as it was in the previous timeline. The first obvious difference was that there was more than just a single figure jumping across the rooftops, killing people. Naruto managed to catch a glimpse of one of these figures and he could instantly see that they were wearing ANBU masks with no insignias on them.

The second most noticeable difference came when a gigantic fireball came erupting out of one of the buildings, blasting one of the masked attackers into a wall across the street. This wasn't some mindless slaughter anymore…the Uchiha had begun to put up a resistance and were starting to fight back.

The last change, yet one which was more discrete and really only noticeable if one looked at the corpses long enough, was that some of them were missing their eyes.

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