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Small TW: tiny mention of attempted suicide. --> Sentences in Italics, so you can skip those if you want. 


Y/N has been feeling really happy and herself again over the last few weeks. The only thing that's not back to normal again for either of us, is the Astronomy tower. We have both been avoiding it since that day. It used to be our favourite place and I hate that that has changed because of one fucked up day, so today I decided that that needed to change. I got some pillows, string lights, candles and some blankets and went to the stairs that lead up to the Astronomy tower. I wanted to make our place look cozy and safe again, but before I could do that, I needed to walk up those stairs. I took a couple deep breaths, before I put my foot on the first step. I slowly went to the top and once I reached it, I got a flashback to that day. 'Y/N? Please stop! Whatever you do, don't let yourself fall. I'm begging you.' 'Please don't, love. I can't lose you too.'  I blinked a couple times until the flashback was gone. I walked further and layed down the pillows and blankets on the ground. I then hung up the lights and set down the candles. Once I was finished, I took a couple steps back to see what it looked like and if I say so myself, it looked really good and Y/N will love it. Now I just need to get her up here. 

I walked down the stairs again and went towards Y/N's room. I knocked on the door and she opened it immediately. 'Hi Mattheo.' She said before giving me a quick kiss. 'Hi love, I want you to come with me, because I have a surprise for you.' 'You do? Okay, let me grab my wand and then we can go.' That's a habit Y/N grew since my father. She always has her wand on hand even if she'll just go to grab some food. She grabbed her wand and we started walking towards the Astronomy tower. 'Where are we going, Mattheo?' She asked me. 'We're going to the Astronomy tower.' She stopped walking and just looked at me. 'I can't go there, Mattheo.' She said. 'Yes, you can, love. I know it's scary. I find it scary too. But, it used to be our favourite place and I don't want that to change, because of that day. It is the place that made me remember you and the place where we watched the stars together. So, I got a surprise up there for you, to make it a happy place again. And I will be here the whole way up holding your hand.' I could see her hesitating for a second before grabbing my hand and taking a couple shallow breaths. 'Deep breaths, love.' I said when I noticed the breaths were getting even shallower and faster. She took a couple deep breaths and placed her foot on the first step. She took another deep breath before taking the next step. She kept repeating this, until we were at the top of the stairs. She then looked up from here feet towards the view and saw the pillows, blankets, lights and candles, which I had lit up with the Incendio spell. 'Mattheo... this is... amazing.' She looked around her and I could see the joy in her eyes. 'When did you do all of this?' She asked me. 'Just before I came to grab you. I hope you like it.' 'Like it? I love it.' She said before turning around to kiss me. We sat down on the blankets and looked out at the view. I could see she was still breathing a little fast when sitting down, but after a couple minutes of silence her breathing slowed down and she looked over at me. 'Thank you, so much for doing this Mattheo.' 'Anything for you, love.' 'I love you.' 'I love you too, Y/N.' I pulled her into one more kiss, before spending the rest of the night with her under the stars. 


After the schoolyear ended, I needed to go back home again. Mattheo on the other hand, didn't really have a home to go to anymore. So, I asked my parents and suggested to Mattheo that he could stay at my house for the summer, if he wanted to. 'I don't suppose your parents would like that, love.' 'I asked them, Mattheo. And they would love it if you stayed with us.' 'You sure?' 'Yes, babe. And I would love it too.' I said with puppy-dog-eyes. 'Well, I'd love it too.' Mattheo said while giving me a kiss. 'Okay, then let's grab our bags and head home.' I said. 

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