Please come home (Mattheo's POV)

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After Pansy told me Y/N was safe and to let her go, she left me alone in the courtyard. Does she really think I'm going to let Y/N just go and forget about her? I lost her for 6 years and now that I finally have her back in my life, I'm not going to let her go again. I will find a way for us to be together and for her to be safe. I'm not ready to give up and let my father win. I just have to find the letter Y/N wrote, so I can figure out where she is. Right now, Pansy will be in her room, but tomorrow she'll have classes throughout the whole day, so I can sneak into her room without her knowing. 

I walked out of the courtyard and towards my own room, when I bumped into Theo. 'Hey, everything okay? Where were Pansy and Y/N?' Theo knew I was going to look for Pansy and Y/N this morning, when we noticed they weren't at breakfast. I kept quiet towards Theo. I didn't know how to explain that my father hurt Y/N once again and that she left. 'Mattheo, where are they?' Theo asked once again. 'Pansy is in her room.' 'And where's Y/N?' 'I don't know.' 'What do you mean you don't know?' 'I don't know where she is. She left. My father took her, hurt her and then she left. She's safe. At least that's what she wrote in a letter to Pansy, but Pansy doesn't want to tell me, where she is.' 'Why not?' 'Pansy said that Y/N wants me to let her go, because that's safest for both of us. But, I don't care about my safety. I care about Y/N and I need to find her.' 'Well, how are you going to find her, if you don't know where she could be?' 'She wrote it in the letter to Pansy and I'm going to find that letter. Pansy has classes all day tomorrow, so I'll have all the time in the world.' 'Okay, but Mattheo. Please think about if this is the best option. Pansy and Y/N are both saying you should let her go. What if that really is the best thing to do?' 'If she really wants me to let her go and forget about her, she'll have to say that to my face. If she does that, I'll let her go.'
I walked away from Theo and towards my room. Since it was getting late, I went to sleep. 

The next morning, I went to breakfast in the Great Hall to pretend to Pansy that I wasn't upto something. I sat down at the table with her, Theo, Draco and Blaise. 'Where's Y/N? I haven't seen her in two days?' Draco asked. 'She's visiting some friends for a bit.' Pansy answered. 'During schooldays?' Draco responded. 'Yes. It wasn't planned, but they asked her to come over, because they had some news or something. So, she talked to Dumbledore and was allowed to leave for a little while.' Liar! She pretends like everything's okay, eventhough it's not. Pansy looked at me and I just grabbed some food and walked out. I couldn't keep listening to her lie to our friends. I wanted to go to Pansy's room immediately to search for the letter, but I knew she would come by her room before class, so I didn't have a chance just yet. That's why I decided to go to my own class first. I had Potions Class. 
After my class had ended, Pansy would have at least one other class and I had a free period. So, I went to her room. I walked into the room and started searching her desk. There were a lot of papers on it, but not the letter. It wasn't in her dresser, underneath her bed or in her nightstand either. That's when I went over to Y/N's side of the room. I searched in her desk, in dresser and underneath her bed too. None of those places held the letter either. I just had to look in her nightstand, hoping that it would be there. I opened it and there was a lot of stuff. I took all of it out and underneath it all, was the letter. 

I started reading the letter. She's in France?! And she's with a Weasley? At least she's with some people she knows. I just have to figure out where in France this Fleur and Bill live. But, I can figure that out with the help of Ron Weasley. 
I kept on reading and read that's she's never coming back again, because she can't risk being near me. Apparently my father, the asshole, told her he will hurt me if she'll get close to me again. She wants to protect me from him. That's why she won't come back, according to her letter. But, I'm not going to let her stay away from her home and her family, because of me and because of my father. I can protect myself and I need her here. She's my home. 
After I finished reading the letter, I put it back where I got it from and cleaned up all the mess I made. I got out of the room as fast as I could and went to find Ron. 

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