Good job, Love

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The past two weeks since our first date, Mattheo and I have been spending a lot of time together. We sit next to eachother when we're with friends, we fly our brooms together and just talk for hours on end while watching the stars from the Astronomy tower. I'm incredibly happy to call him my boyfriend when we're with friends. But, when we're in public, in class for example, we act like we're just friends. Voldemort hasn't done anything, since I'm back, but I don't want to give him the incentive to do anything by showing everyone that Mattheo and I are together.

I just woke up after a bit of a restless night. I still have nightmares during some of the nights. They're becoming less and less frequent, but they wear me out when I do have them. Since, I had one last night, I decided to take a shower to hopefully wake me up a bit and to take my mind of the nightmare. After the shower I got dressed and walked over to the Great Hall for breakfast. I sat down next to Mattheo and Pansy and started eating some french toast. Since I was tired, I didn't talk much and Mattheo noticed. 'Good morning. Everything okay?' He said to me. 'Good morning. I'm fine. I'm just really tired.' I responded. 'Why so?' Mattheo knew I didn't sleep well lately, but I didn't tell him about the nightmares. Most of them are about his father and I don't want to bother him with that, so I just kept that to myself. 'Just a bad night. Nothing to worry about.' 'Are you awake enough to play in the Quidditch game later?' Shoot, I forgot it was gameday. Luckily the Quidditch game isn't until 3.30 in the afternoon and I just have Defense Against the Dark Arts in the morning. So, I'll have the oppertunity to take a quick nap, before the game. 'Yes, ofcourse. I'll just take a nap or something after class. I'll have plenty of time for that.' 'If you're sure, love.' Mattheo said, while whispering the "love". He knows I can't help but smile, when he calls me 'love', so this really cheered me up. 

After I finished my french toast, I went to class together with Mattheo and Pansy. There we met up with Draco, Blaise and Theo. DADA was the only class we all had at the same time, so I always loved it when we had that class. 

Right after class, I went back to my dorm and got into bed. It was noon and I needed to meet up with the team at 2 to get some last minute practice in. So, I had about an hour-and-a-half to sleep. I was out in no-time and was luckily able to sleep through my nap without having another nightmare. Once I woke up again, I felt a lot better and I got ready immediately. I had overslept a little, so I was running a couple minutes late. I ran to the Quidditchfield and was met with a worried Draco. 'I thought you were not coming!' He yelled at me. 'Ofcourse, I was coming. I'm here. I just ran a little late. I'm sorry Draco. Now, let's get on our brooms and discuss our winningtactics before the game starts.' 'Yeah, okay. Let's go.' Draco and I got on our brooms and met up with the rest of the team, who were already up in the air. We discussed how we were going to tackle the game and got in some last-minute training, before the other team arrived at the field. 
We were facing Hufflepuff this time, which would probably be an easy win. Once it was time for the game, everyone got ready on their brooms and Madam Hooch released the quaffle, bludgers and the golden snitch. She then blew her whistle as a signal that the game had started. It was indeed an easy game and we had won quite quickly. 

After we won the game, I got off my broom and walked over to Pansy and Mattheo, who both came to support me today. Pansy ran towards me and gave me a tight hug to celebrate. I wanted to hug Mattheo as well, but we were still in public and Draco's father was somewhere in the crowd as well. Draco's father had been working with Mattheo's father for years, so I was scared he would tell Voldemort if he were to see Mattheo and me together. So, I kept my distance from Mattheo, until we got back into the Slytherin commonroom. Once we entered and we saw that noone else was there, I jumped into his arms and he pulled me into a kiss. After we pulled away from eachother again, he said: 'You did a good job out there, love.' I started blushing while thanking him. 'You know, Mattheo.' 'What, love?' 'I'm going to take a shower. You can join me, if you want.' I said to him with a wink. 'That's an offer I won't decline.' He said with a smirk, before picking me up and taking me into his room. We took a nice and hot shower together and afterwards we got dressed. Once we went back into his room, there was a knock on the door. Mattheo opened the door to see Theo. 'Hey man, we're throwing a party in a couple hours, so get ready for a late night.' Theo said and then looked past Mattheo into the room, when he saw me. 'Oh hey Y/N. Nice win earlier. I guess you heard what I just told Mattheo, but party in a couple hours, just so you know. Now, I'll let you two lovebirds alone.' Theo said with a smirk before leaving again.
Mattheo closed the door and turned to me. I let out a small laugh, before Mattheo ran towards me, picked me up and kissed me like nobody was watching.

After he put me down again, we started to get ready for the party. He threw on some black jeans and a black T-shirt and I went back to my room to get a black skaterskirt, an emerald one-shoulder top and some black boots. I got dressed in Mattheo's room and did some hair and make-up, before he decided to ruin my lipstick with another kiss. I redid the lipstick, but once again Mattheo ruined it. 'If you keep doing that, I better not put any lipstick on.' I said to Mattheo. 'But, you look hot with it on, love.' He said with a smirk on his face. 'I know, but you keep ruining it.' 'I'm sorry, you're just too hot not to ruin that lipstick of yours.' 'That's what they all say.' I said with a cheeky smile. 'Who's they?!' Mattheo said, instantly jealous. 'Nobody, babe. Just a joke.' I said laughing. 'Better be a joke. Anyone who dares to say that to you, won't dare anymore after they meet me.' 'Sure, babe.' I chuckled before pulling him into a kiss and ruining my lipstick a last time. I didn't reapply it, but just took it off. 

I finished the rest of my makeup and once I was ready, I went to the party together with Mattheo and Pansy, who had picked Mattheo and me up from his room. When we got there, it was already full of people and we walked straight to the drinktable to get a drink and then met up with the others. We chatted a bit with everyone and had a drink, before Theo grabbed Pansy and mines hand and dragged us onto the dancefloor. He started dancing and Pansy and me soon joined him. 

While I was dancing with Pansy and Theo, I could see Mattheo staring at me from the corner of the room. I flashed a small smile to him and he smiled back at me while he took a sip of his drink. Right after that smile, my view of Mattheo got blocked by Draco who had walked up to him, asked him something and then walked up to us together with Mattheo. Draco asked us if we wanted to play truth or dare with a couple others. We all said yes, so we walked over to the couch and sat down. I was sitting opposite Mattheo inbetween Pansy and Cedric. I hadn't really talked to Cedric since the last party, but I felt like he was never really okay with me turning him down. But, since he never said anything, I decided to sit next to him anyway. Draco started the game; 'Theo, truth or dare.' 'Dare.' Theo responded. 'I dare you to get Luna to slap you.' Luna didn't participate in the game and was dancing on the other side of the room. She is a sweet girl who I've never heard say anything remotely mean to someone. So, to get her to slap Theo, is going to be hard for him. But, I'm curious to see how he will do that. 'Okay.' Theo said, before walking off to Luna. It took Theo a little while, but Luna did slap him right in the face. She looked a bit guilty, but Theo said that it was fine and she ended up going right back to dancing, while Theo walked back over to us. We were all laughing our asses off, when Theo said: 'Yeah, yeah. Really funny. But, that girl slaps hard. Now, Pansy, truth or dare.' While Pansy was doing her dare, Cedric started talking to me. 'You know, you look amazing tonight, Y/N.' 'Thanks, Cedric.' I said a bit awkward. 'Like, really hot.' 'Okay.' 'You know, I bet you would look even better without that outfit on.' 'Excuse you?!' 'You heard me or would you like me to repeat myself.' 'I would like you to shut your fucking mouth please.' I said while standing up to go sit on the other side of the couch. Cedric just smirked. I sat down next to Mattheo, who was death glaring Cedric and asked me what he said to me. 'Nothing. He's just drunk.' 'Do you want me to do anything to him?' Mattheo asked me with a stern look on his face. 'No, please don't. I just want to enjoy the rest of the game.' I grabbed a drink from the table and downed it in a couple seconds. I was already a bit drunk, but after what Cedric said, I needed another drink. 

After a couple turns from everyone, Dean Thomas, who was also playing, asked Cedric truth or dare. Cedric said dare and his dare was that he needed to flirt with the girl he was most attracted to. I immediately got a bit scared. Looking at what he just said to me, there was no doubt in my mind that he would flirt with me for this dare. I looked at Mattheo hoping he would stop whatever was going to happen before it happened, but he wasn't paying attention to Cedric's dare, since he was talking to Theo. Cedric walked over to me and started "flirting" with me. At this point Mattheo turned to look Cedric up and down and said to Cedric to walk away before he made any mistakes. Ofcourse that wouldn't scare Cedric away, because he said: 'The only mistake I can make is not sleeping with the sexy slut sitting next to you tonight.' This was the point that Mattheo stood up and punched Cedric right on his jaw. 'Don't fucking dare call her that ever again!' He yelled at Cedric before punching him again. 'And don't you ever sexualize Y/N or any girl for that matter again!' Mattheo yelled after the second punch to Cedric before he sat down next to me again. 'Are you okay, Y/N?' He said to me. 'Yeah, I'm fine. I just want to go to bed.' 'Okay, I'll walk you to your room.' We stood up and started walking towards my room, before I stopped Mattheo. 'Can I sleep in your room tonight?' 'Ofcourse, love.' Mattheo responded. And so, we went to his room. I layed down on his bed and he layed next to me, taking me in his arms, before we both fell asleep. 

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