Do you love him?

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He told me he loves me. Mattheo told me he loves me. And I ran away. I ran out of the house and into the backyard. Fleur was sitting on the porch and saw me ran past her while crying. She ran after me, until we both stopped near the pond at the back of the yard. 'What happened, Y/N?' She asked me. 'He... He... told me he loves me.' 'That's a good thing right?' 'No, it's not.' 'Why not?' 'Because, he can't love me. It's not safe. He will get hurt.' 'Try to forget about that for one second. Do you love him too?' 'Yes, I think I do.' 'Then tell him that. You'll find a way to keep eachother safe. But, not telling him will keep hurting both of you.' 'But, what if...' 'No, what if's, Y/N! You're going to go to Mattheo and tell him you love him, because I see how much you love eachother and you should be together. His father shouldn't keep you apart from eachother and if you're together, you can handle him. And otherwise, you have a lot of people who care about you, who will help you stand up to Voldemort.' 'Okay...' 'Good. Now go, before he decides to leave.' 

I ran back to the house, but Mattheo had already left. I ran out of the front door, with the hope I could catch up to him. And luckily he was still there next to a burned out tree. 'What the hell happened?' I asked him. 'Nothing.' He said curt. 'Mattheo?' 'Yes?' 'Do you really love me?' 'Yes, Y/N. I really do.' 'Good, because I love you too.' 'What...' Before he could keep talking I kissed him. I pulled back after a little bit. 'What's wrong, Y/N?' 'I'm scared.' I said. 'Of my father?' 'Yes. Of what he might do to you. I'm scared he will hurt you. He told me he would if we ever got close to eachother again. I don't want you to get hurt, because of me. You...' He cut me off by kissing me. 'I'll be okay. I'm going to keep you safe and I can handle my father. Nothing will happen. And if something does happen, we'll be okay.' He said after he pulled back again. He then gave me a tight hug. 'Now, will you please come home with me? We all miss you.' 'Yes, but I have to say goodbye to Fleur and Bill first. You haven't met Bill yet, have you?' 'No, I haven't.' 'Well, I guess then now is no better time. We walked back into the house. Bill had been upstairs in his office during everything, so I walked up the stairs to ask if he could come down. We walked into the kitchen together, where Mattheo and Fleur were waiting on us. I went to stand next to Mattheo and started talking. 'First of all, Bill this is Mattheo.' 'Is he the one, you ran from?' Bill blurted out. 'Sort of.' I said snickering. 'I actually ran from his father, but that's a long story.' I continued. 'But, I'm no longer going to run. Mattheo came to take me back home. And after some talking to Fleur and Mattheo, I decided to go back. I just wanted to say goodbye to you both, before I left. Thank you both so much of letting me stay.' 'Any time. You know that. You're always welcome here, Y/N.' Fleur and Bill both said. I walked up to them and gave them both a tight hug. 
After the hug, I turned around to Mattheo. 'I just need to grab my wand from upstairs and then we can go.' 'Go ahead. I'll wait here.' I ran up the stairs and quickly grabbed my wand and the letter I got from Pansy. I didn't have anything that was mine here, so I walked downstairs again. Just before I walked into the kitchen I heard Bill talk to Mattheo. I stood next to the door, to listen what he was saying. 'Do you love her?' Bill asked Mattheo. 'With everything I have.' Mattheo responded. I started blushing a bit. 'Good. And you better treat that girl right, because otherwise we'll beat your ass. And we don't care who your father is.' 'I will. I'll protect her with everything I've got.' Mattheo said. Right after he said that, I walked in. 'Now, please be kind to Mattheo, Bill. We know you hate Voldemort, but Mattheo is nothing like him. So, don't worry about him treating me right.' I said. 'You heard that?' Bill said with a face that said 'I just got caught'. 'Yes, I did.' I said while giggling a bit. 'I'm ready by the way, Mattheo. So, shall we go?' 'Yes let's go.' He responded. I said goodbye to Bill and Fleur one last time and off we went. 

After a long broomride, we finally got back to Hogwarts. We put our brooms in the broomshed and walked into the Slytherin commonroom. Pansy, Draco and Theo were sitting on the couch. Pansy was the first to turn her head around to us and she immediately ran up to me and hugged me. 'What the hell are you doing here? Not that I'm not happy that you're back, but I thought you couldn't come back?' 'Mattheo was pretty convincing.' I said with a smile on my face. Pansy looked at Mattheo angrily. 'I thought I told you to not find her. I'm happy she's back, but I guess you know what'll happen if a certain someone finds out.' She said to Mattheo. 'I know. But, we'll figure that out, if that happens. I'll protect her with everything that I have Pansy.' 'Good, because I will kill you if something happens to her after you talked her into coming back.' 'Don't think, I don't know that.' 'Okay, let's keep it nice and happy.' I said breaking up their conversation. 'Yes, sorry Y/N.' Pansy said to me. 'It's okay. Now, why are Theo and Draco so quiet over there?' I asked walking over to them. 'We didn't want to interrupt whatever was going on between you three. But, I'm happy you're back Y/N.' Theo said to me, while giving me a hug. 'I'm happy too.' I said back. 'Good, to have you back Parkinson.' 'Good to be back, Malfoy.' Draco and I said to eachother. I sat down on the couch with the others and Mattheo sat down next to me. While the others informed me what I missed in class, when I was in France, Mattheo and I kept glancing at eachother. The others noticed, but nobody said anything about it. 

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