As in MATTHEO?!?!

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Not even ten minutes after I walked into my room, I had fallen asleep already. The next morning I woke up to an angry stare from Pansy. 'Good morning to you too, Pansy.' I said. 'Why the hell are you always rude to Mattheo?! All he tries to do, is become friends with you and every time he even tries to talk to you, you either come up with an excuse to walk out of the conversation or you're rude. Yeah, he has some issues, but he's a nice guy. So, why don't you give him a chance?' 'I'm not that rude to him.' 'Yeah, you are Y/N! So, why?' 'I can't tell you, Pansy.' 'Why the hell not?!' 'Because it is something between him and me.' 'What is it?! Because, I don't think he even knows what it is about.' 'It doesn't matter Pansy. Just leave it.' 'No, I won't leave it! You're being mean to my friend and I deserve to know why!' 'Because I have to okay?!' 'What do you mean, you have to, Y/N?' 'I have to be mean to him. I have to keep him at a distance. I can't be friends with him, okay?!' 'Why not?' 'Because it's not safe for him or me.' 'Why wouldn't it be safe for him or you?' 'Ask his father!' 'What the hell do you mean?! Just tell me the whole story instead of just giving me random bits of information!' 'Fine, you want the whole story?! You'll get the whole story. But, you better sit down, because it's not a fun one.' Pansy went to sit down, while I tried to calm down my breathing. I was quite scared to tell her the whole truth, but I couldn't keep it to me anymore. She did deserve to know, why I am the way I am to Mattheo, so here goes nothing I guess. 

'Do you remember when I we were children, I had this best friend I would always hang out with?' 'Yes. What does he have to do with this?' 'Do you remember his name?' 'No, I don't Y/N.' 'His name was Mattheo.' 'As in MATTHEO?!?!' 'Yes, as in Mattheo. Please lower your voice Pansy, I don't want him or anyone else to here, what I'm going to tell you.' 'Okay, sorry.' 'It's fine. But, yeah Mattheo as in Mattheo Riddle. Mattheo and I just to be best friends until I was about ten years old. I always went over to his house, where we played Quidditch and where we talked for hours. He really knew everything about me and I knew everything about him. One day I went to go home, because it was getting late and his father saw me go towards the front door and started talking to me.' 'His father as in you-know-who? You know him?!' 'Yes, sadly I do know him. And he didn't really like me.' 'Why not, Y/N?' 'He thought I was a distraction for Mattheo. He felt that Mattheo spent too much time with me and too little time on his magic. He wanted Mattheo to become one of the greatest wizards of all time and that couldn't happen as long as I was in the picture. He told me to stay away from Mattheo or he would hurt me.' 'What do you mean he would hurt you?' Pansy asked with a look on her face, like she already knew what I was going to say. 'At first I didn't really know what he meant, but I didn't want to take any chances. So, the next time I went to Mattheo's house I made sure my broom was hidden and I would leave before Voldemort would come home. Only, I didn't realise what time it was until after Voldemort was already home. I said goodbye to Mattheo and tried to leave as silently as I could, but Voldemort already knew that I was there. He took me into a basement room and tortured me, until I promised to stay away from Mattheo. I didn't want to stay away from Mattheo, because he was my best friend, but I knew I couldn't keep doing this everytime I went over there. I asked if I could say one last goodbye to Mattheo, but Voldemort didn't want me to do that. I ran upstairs to the frontdoor while crying and call it dumb luck, but Mattheo walked down the stairs at that exact moment. I said one last goodbye, without telling him this would be the last time and without telling what happened. And after that I went home and never saw him again, until the beginning of this year.'
Pansy sat in shock for about half a minute, before she started talking again. 'Geez, Y/N. You went through all this and you never told me?!' 'I didn't want anyone to know.' 'Is this why you went to Beauxbatons instead of Hogwarts?' 'Yes, I couldn't risk running into Mattheo here.' 'Why did you never tell him all of this by the way?' 'I was scared, Pansy.' 'Scared of what?' 'Scared he would go to his father. Scared that his father would hurt him too and I couldn't let that happen. So, my best option was to just disappear and hopefully keep him safe with that. Eventhough it hurt me so much to leave.' 'But, Y/N, you have a second chance now. Why don't you become friends again?' 'Because, his father is still around. And he will find out about us being friends. He wouldn't just let met get away with that. Also, I don't think Mattheo would forgive me for treating him the way I did since joining Slytherin.' 'Ofcourse he will. You just have to explain everything to him.' 'I just told you, I can't, Pansy!' 'You can! You just have to tell him to not go to his father and then everything will be fine.' 'It won't Pansy. You know him just as good as I do. If he knows what his father did this to me, he will definitely go to him. And I can't watch him get hurt. By the way, he doesn't even remember me. So, I would just be telling him things that he doesn't remember happening.' 'Maybe he'll remember you if you tell him, who you are.' 'That won't work. I'm almost a hundred percent sure Voldemort did something to his memories to forget about me. Otherwise he would've recognized me or my name.' 'There has to be a way for you guys to become friends again. I remember how much you talked about Mattheo and how much you loved hanging out with him. From what I heared from you, you guys were made for eachother and you're just going to let that go in vain, because of his father?' 'There's no other way, Pansy. You just have to let this go, please. I don't want to find out what will happen if his father finds out if we were to be friends again. So, it's better if we just don't become that.' 'If that's what you want, Y/N.' 'Ofcourse, it's not what I want. But, it's what has to happen. Anything I can do to keep both of us safe.' 'Okay.' 'And Pansy, can you please promise me to not tell anyone what I just told you? You can't tell anyone that I used to know Mattheo and you can't tell anyone what his father did.' 'I promise.' 'Thank you.' 'Ofcourse, Y/N. That's what sisters are for.' 

It stayed quiet for a couple minutes, before Pansy asked me something. 'Hey, Y/N?' 'Yes?' 'Are you okay?' 'Right now, yes. But, is has been different. And eventhough it hurts like hell, seeing Mattheo everyday and not being close to him, it's also kinda nice to atleast see him again.' 'Okay. If you're ever not okay, promise to come talk to me, okay?' 'I promise, Pansy.' 'Good! One last thing, even if you can't be friends with Mattheo, is it maybe possible to be a tiny bit nicer to him? He is a good guy, he doesn't deserve to get hurt every time he walks into the same room as you.' 'Yes, I'll try.' 'Thank you. Now, let's get some breakfast, because I'm hungry.' 'Yes, please, let's go!' 

Pansy and I got our stuff and of we went to the Great Hall for breakfast. When we arrived, Draco, Blaise, Mattheo and Theo were already eating. 'Took you girls long enough.' Theo said to us. 'Good morning to you too Theo.' I responded. 'Yeah, well we had some things to talk about. But, we're here now.' Pansy said. Ofcourse she would say this and now would come the questions from Theo, what we were talking about. 'What did you talk about?' Theo asked. Just like I thought. 'None of your business, Theo. Just some girl stuff.' I said with a smirk hoping to get him moved off of the topic. Weirdly enough it worked, because he started talking to Draco instead. 
I sat down at the table opposite Mattheo. 'Good morning, Y/N.' He said to me. 'Good morning, Mattheo.' 'I wanted to apologize for last night.' 'Don't worry about it. It's okay. Just don't meddle in my decisions okay?' 'Yeah, I promise I won't anymore.' 'Thank you.' I looked at Pansy who was staring at me in disbelief. I was finally nice to Mattheo and she couldn't believe it. I just gave her a weak smile and started eating some breakfast. How much as I hate to admit it, it felt so good to finally be nice to Mattheo again.

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