8. ​ꜱᴡᴋ

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requested by: Rainy_RiuChan

guide: [f/c] = fur color, [m/c]= metal color

synopsis: mk asked to know the tale of how you and wukong met.

words: 1525


You sat on top of a small cliff watching the battle below; your husband and his successor were currently going at it with each other.

Occasionally, you would catch Wukong glancing in your direction; he'd blow a kiss or send a wink your way before dodging another attack from Mk. You rolled your eyes as Wukong fluttered his eyelashes at you only to get smacked by the staff.

"Uh...are you alright, Monkey King? You seem distracted," Mk lowered the staff and watched his mentor rub the comically big bump on his head.

"Yeah, yeah, I mean, how can I focus when a pretty little thing like her is there watching me?" Wukong sighed dreamily as he turned towards you. Mk also turned to look at you and watched as the couple stared at each other.

Mk was puzzled at how lovey-dovey the king was to you. I mean, he has heard of your legend from Tang and it didn't seem right for a celestial being, meant to protect an orchard of rare fruits, would fall for a thief like Wukong. No offense to his mentor of course.

Just when he was about to speak, he noticed his mentor had disappeared. Mk looked around until he heard the sounds of laughter and smooching. He cringed a bit as he looked towards the cloud upon the cliff where you sat, he could see two tails poking out of the cloud.

"You need to go back and train the boy," You lightly scolded. Wukong only held your waist tighter as he pressed more kisses up and down your neck. The ticklish feeling made you giggle some more before turning your husband's face to kiss his lips. He quickly pressed his mouth against yours and was about to stick his tongue in your mouth-

"Um! Should I leave or???" Mk shouted from below.

The two of you broke apart, more like you kicking Wukong away, and the Monkey King made the cloud descend to where his mentee was.

"Sorry, kid, got-"

"-distracted, I know," Mk said, then he smirked smugly. "Geez, you guys love each other, huh?"

"Of course!" Monkey King said as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

"Even if he is annoying sometimes, yes," You leaned against Wukong's arm and nuzzled your face against his shoulder.

"Has it always been like this?" Mk took a seat on the ground and sat crisscrossed. "Like...how did you guys get like this? Was it a mission that brought you together? Or were you enemies? Or maybe-"

"-Woah, woah! Slow down, bud, if you want to know then I can tell you," Wukong interrupted. Mk got comfortable and leaned forward, anxiously waiting for his mentor to begin the tale.

Wukong cleared his throat and said, "A long, long time ago..."


It was nearing the end of spring, and the fruits growing from the orchard were due to be harvested at any moment. You were waiting for the Empress's orders, diligently guarding the rare ripe fruits until it was time for the celebration of the end of the season.


"-Oh, I know where this goes, Monkey King tries to steal the fruits, gets kicked out by you, and somehow you two get married?" Mk theorized only to get shushed by his mentor. 

Sun Wukong & Macaque x Reader One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now