1. ​ꜱᴡᴋ & ᴍᴀᴄᴀQᴜᴇ

12K 203 47

requested by: Catsloveyuo

synopsis: you went into seclusion for a few centuries to rest. after a few hundred years separated from your lovers, you finally return.

word count: 872


Within a cave in a mountain far from the coastal city of Megapolis, there was a figure surrounded by a cocoon of vines. The cave itself was a large hole within the mountain, there was a lot of vegetation growing everywhere; from the mossy grass to the various exotic plants hanging from the walls or popping out of the ground.

The vines of the large cocoon varied in shapes and colors. Soon, a soft glow began to shine through the gaps of the floral cocoon, it shook a few times as if something within was fighting to be free. Then without warning, the cocoon exploded into pieces as a figure fell out and landed on the ground.

"That wasn't pleasant at all..." You grumbled as you rubbed your head, your fingers picking at the leaves and other items in your hair.

As you were focused on fixing your appearance, the sound of rapid footsteps approached the entrance of the cave. You gasped and quickly scrambled to hide behind a rock formation. You peered around it slowly to witness who decided to intrude in your cave.

"...ohhh and aren't you being cocky! Who knows if she'll even remember you!" A voice growled.

"Ha! As if! Who could forget this face?" The other boasted.

A noise, which you could guess was a slap, was followed by the sound of a yelp. Then, laughter.

"Try and keep up yeah-?" Wukong snickered as he ran from Macaque. The Monkey King grunted as he was tackled by Macaque. The two furballs rolled into the middle of the cave and only broke apart when Macaque managed to kick Wukong off of him. Macaque glanced at the vine piece he landed on and snapped his gaze to the cocoon.

"She's gone?!"

Wukong stopped in his tracks and zipped over to the broken cocoon, he poked his head inside before pulling it out and looking over his shoulder. "Were we too late? She wouldn't have gone too far."

"Great, just great if it wasn't for you insisting on stopping to eat every fruit in sight we would've been here by the time she woke up!" Macaque hissed as he shoved Wukong aside to examine the cocoon.

Wukong gasped as he held one hand to his chest, "Me?! If you hadn't-" '

"Sun? Macaque?" You slowly peeked from your hiding spot. Both monkeys stopped their bickering and stared at you for a while in disbelief.

Sun, who was the first to break out of his spell, ran over to grab you by your hips and lifted you high. Then as the monkey began laughing, he spun the two of you around.

You were about to get infected by his joyous laughter until you were chucked into the air. You gasped before Sun caught you, this time holding you bridal-style, and pressed his forehead to yours. You practically felt your heart in your throat as you looked up at the love-filled gaze of the Monkey King. Your heart raced as you rose your hand to the side of his face.

"You're back! Finally!" Sun said. You nodded and ran your fingers through his hair, as both of your faces inched closer to one another you were yanked out of Sun's embraces and held against another chest. You shuddered as a pair of lips planted themselves on your neck and another just at the top of your cleavage.

"Tsk, someone's being greedy," Sun uttered as he sent a heated glare to Macaque. The king neared the two of you, his glare softening as his gaze switched over to you.

"Yeah, and?" Macaque crooned as he nuzzled his cheek against yours, then groaned. "You can't fathom how annoying it was to be around Wukong without you-"

"Hey!" Sun reached for you and tugged until your face was squished against his chest as well.

You tried getting their attention by calling their names, but your pleas were met with more bickering. You sighed and rolled your eyes, then a soft smile appeared on your face. You missed this...missed them both, even if their petty arguments annoyed you to no end, at least you got to experience this after being away for so long.

"Oh please, you know it's true." Macaque smirked as he tugged on you as well, but this time you didn't budge out of the other monkey's grip. The two monkeys slammed their foreheads together as an electric shock sparked between their gazes.

"And you know what else is gonna be true? My staff up your-"

"Sun!" You narrowed your eyes at him.

Sun only looked back at you with a sheepish grin before rolling his eyes, "You know I didn't mean it...much."

"Typical," Macaque snorted. His cockiness was short-lived as he was jabbed in the stomach by your elbow.

"Behave," You scolded the two before pulling yourself out of the sandwich. You patted yourself down of any dust and asked, "Now...what'd I miss?"

The two monkeys glanced at each other before turning to you with smiles.

"A lot."

Sun Wukong & Macaque x Reader One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now