| 6 | Horrid Search

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⚠️ I just found out you can't see the chapter covers if you don't load it twice! So please do, just swipe up one more time and load it again, normally it will show after the second time! I put a lot of effort in them so I felt really sad, after finding out, most of y'all haven't even seen them yet... so please do for a better reading experience! ⚠️

Izuku's eyes tried to adjust to the light, as he had to cover them with the unfamiliar covers. The sweet scent of washed hotel sheets made its way in his nose, as he tried convincing himself to get up.

The greenette felt his heart beating in his head, giving an enorm pressure on his forehead. He put his hand on his head, as he tried to recognize the hotel room he had booked. To his surprise he didn't recognize the room at all.

His toes planted in the soft carpet on the wooden parket and moved over to the door. Izuku wanted to see the rest of the place he had booked, since he couldn't remember getting the room.

When he opened the door, he suddenly stood right in front of someone else, which now finally forced his eyes to work properly. Izuku gasped, as he set a step back and stumbled.

The man in the door opening caught him off guard.

"Owww" the greenette winced out and twisted his ankle with his still weak balance before falling to the ground. He looked up at the blonde man in fear with no other words than "Ka-Kacchan?"

Before Kacchan could say anything, the shorter man managed to get up trying to hide his discomfort. "I'm so sorry" he appologized as memories came flooding back. Kacchan was going to be furious!

He used one of Katsuki's drawers as support, when throwing his body forward already looking for the front door. Izuku needed to get out of here immediately.

After realizing he had left all his stuff at the bar it seemed pretty obvious there wasn't anything to collect before leaving.

"I'm sorry" the man kept repeating, as he winced softly at every step "I'm sorry" He didn't even notice the other's worried expression and his soft voice calling out the greenette's name. "I'm so sorry"

"Wait Deku" Katsuki repeated again and now tugged the other away from the almost opening door "I said wait" he tried getting the greenhaired man's full attention.

Izuku just stared up at him without saying a single word. He had stopped appologizing, since he didn't know what else was appropriate to say. He tilted up his foot slightly to relief some of the now numbing pain.

Katsuki who now also shared the silence and disability to choose words, lifted up his hand towards the greenette's face.

Izuku shifted his weight back immediately, dodging an attack he had expected from his old rival.

The blonde watched as Deku pulled back terrified of the hand coming closer and had relied on his already wounded ankle. He could see the other's jaw clenching trying to hold in the pain he had just caused by tilting away.

He stared at his hand in despair. Was Deku still terrified of him, because of highschool? Even after 8 years? He suddenly felt awful and unworthy of all the nice sniffling words the other had seemed to confess to him the night before.

"Oh I'm sorry" Izuku appologized yet again, adding to Katsuki's sadness. A short silence filled the hallway and the shorter man stared at the ground, as he noticed a red bump that had appeared on his ankle.

"No um" the blonde hesitated "I actually wanted to feel your temperature" he explained in a soft hurt tone. It made the other look up in confusion.

"Oh" the greenette outed his surprise and then moved back closer "then um-" He brought his head to the taller man's chest's level, signaling the other was allowed to touch.

Katsuki softly brushed his fingers on the other's forehead under his soft curls and then hastily said "You're burning up!" He glanced at the tired eyes that seemed even more tired than the day before.

"It's okay" Izuku reassured the taller man "I've already caused you so much trouble" He clearly shifted his weight onto one leg "I don't want to ask any more" and then pulled the door behind him open.

"No" the blond protested in a strong tone and pushed the door back closed with a loud bang. Deku stared up at him in fear of what was next, but he didn't give the nerd a chance to guess, as he lifted him back from his feet towards the sofa.

"Ka-Kacchan" sounded from behind the strong man's back "Don't just lift me up like th-" but before Izuku knew it, he made a soft landing into the sofa.

"Now stay here" Katsuki said slowly to make it sound more as a command, before disappearing through another door.

Izuku stared at his ankle and only now took the time to notice the pain shooting up his shin. The bump that had created, had grown a deeper blue color, as the rest of his foot felt more numb with the second. Before Izuku could think of anything to say, the blonde had already made it back.

"Here" Katsuki said and offered the seated man a bowl "It's porridge, since you probably don't feel so well" Izuku grabbed the food in confusion.

How was Kacchan being so nice?

"Those motherfucking extras made you drink way too much" He grunted angrily, as he crowched down and rummaged through a first-aid kit for some bandages. He held ice against the swelling and then looked back up.

"What do you remember?" the blond asked the question Izuku had dreaded. The greenette knew he had done something stupid for sure. He felt embarrassed not even remembering, so searching his memory was the last thing he wanted to do.

"Just talking in the bar and how I was dancing with Mina" Izuku paused and stared into his porridge "and next thing I remember is you driving me somewhere" he continued, hesitatingly putting the pieces together "but from there it's all a blank"

The greenette didn't know for sure, but it seemed as if Kacchan sighed softly in disappointment. Was there really something he was supposed to remember? He was too afraid to ask and just looked down at the man caring for his clumsy actions. Only to come to the same conclusion again.

This couldn't be the real Kacchan.

Tragic Kiss [BAKUDEKU canonU]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora