" Nightmares. " - Day 2.5

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" nightmares "

[ Your POV ]

As I wake up, somehow, I'm laying on some grass. At I slowly stand up, I see all my friends. Sucrose, Amber, Collei, and even Albedo. Suddenly, I go numb. I can't move.

I can't move at all, it's like I'm frozen.

Scenes of me, and my friends play in front of my very eyes.

" Y/N, why couldn't you help Collei!? Great, not Sucrose is gonna have to take care of it, because you were to lazy to do anything. "

" You're just.. so full of yourself. Just go adventuring alone, Albedo and I will continue to happily do experiments without you. "

" You're the worse.. I trusted you, yet you kept.. "

" I was only pretending. You know, why would I like some trash bag like you? I only helped because I was forced to. I only came with you because you kept bragging about it. I only told you that I loved you so you would leave me alone. I just.. cannot handle anymore of your stupidity. You almost died because of it, I almost got killed, aswell. "

Everyone makes fun of me, and continued to.

My family, adventuring, my love life.


I want them to dissapear. I want them.. to die. This is to much..

Suddenly, a huge gust of air slices them in half, I had to watch. I was horrified watching their upper bodies plop onto the floor. Albedo, Sucrose, Amber, Collei were dead, because of me..

No, this can't be happening.. this had gotta be some sort of.. nightmare.

Everyone's voices chimes in my mind, loud ringing joining in. I can't handle it. It's to much. Suddenly, everything becomes distorted, whilst everyone's voices in my head were as clear as day, they wouldn't stop, not at all. I still can't move, I feel humiliated.

" I wish I had just left you there to freeze. "

" I wish I wasn't so dumb to become friends with you. "

" I wish I never helped you when you were sick. "

Distorted faces appeared in the sky, the grass, and the trees becoming pitch black. Everything became louder.

Suddenly, I wake up, finally free from that nightmare. I was panicking, it was all so.. strange. I started to sob, before I saw Albedo beside me, cuddling me. I try to turn the other way so he couldn't hear, or see me, but..

" .. Y/N? Are you alright.? " A tired voice asks. " Uh, yeah, I'm alright, Albedo. Just.. go to sleep. " I manage to say in a low whisper. Suddenly, I grab a hold of my blanket tighter, trying to not make myself suspicious.

" Y/N, are you positive? I heard you.. crying. " He replies. I turn around, before hugging him tightly. " Albedo.. please stay with me.. I..  " I try to explain, but my voice is drowned by my tears. Albedo begins to pat my back, comforting me. " Shh.. I promise I'll be with you for as long as you'd like, I'm not leaving.. " He pauses, speaking in a more quiet and softer tone.

" Breath in, and out, okay? " He brushes his hand on my back, which I continue to breath in, and out. " Now, try to hug me tightly, alright? " I stare at his, a little confused. " It will relieve some tension in your body, which will allow you to calm down ever so slightly. " I hug him tightly, before letting go.

" Now, may you.. please explain this nightmare you had, if I'm correct? " He asks. I bury my face in his chest, thinking of where I found start. " I.. well.. I was laying down in some grass, then suddenly I froze completely, I couldn't move, then I saw all of you, Collei, Amber, Sucrose, and you. " I take in some air before continuing.

" Everyone made fun of me, it was just horrible.. You even said something, it was about regretting every choice you made on me, or something. Then.. a huge gust of air sliced all of you in half. " I breath heavily.

" Then, all your voices rang in my head, becoming louder, while the world became more distorted. The grass turned.. black.. distorted faces were in the sky, it was just.. " I stop. " You know.. I'd never do that, I'm also sure they would never say anything as hurtful as you imagined. " He reassures.

He continues to hug me, slowly brushing his finger through my messy hair. Surprizingly, he was.. good at comforting people.

I continue to cuddle him, soon falling back asleep in his arms.

You know, I just wanted to make this randomly, though, you can change the way your nightmare was as you'd please, or whatever.




please check out their animation, I was a little inspired by this somehow!

WORD COUNT - 792 words!

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