End of The Line

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The rest of the summer went surprisingly quickly. Having Andromeda around was really nice. Every couple of days we'd do something new. One day, we tried to see how far into the forest we could get. We made it to a strange looking rock formation before deciding to turn back since it was starting to get dark. On the Fourth of July, we had a huge fireworks display organized by the Hephaestus cabin. The rockets were huge, easily ten feet tall, and when they exploded they created what I can only describe as animated scenes of battles and wars. It was really cool. After the show had ended, Grover informed us that he had been granted a searcher's license and was off to look for Pan.

I looked at him encouragingly. "You'll do great, man! I have a feeling you'll be the one to find him!"

Grover smiled at that. I could tell he was nervous, which was understandable given the fact that nobody had ever returned from the search, but I was being entirely honest when I said that I had a good feeling. I knew he would succeed in some way.

Before I knew it, August came around. We all gathered at the dining pavilion for one last feast the night before we left. Annabeth handed me a leather bracelet as Luke handed out a bead to celebrate the summer.

"The choice was unanimous." Luke said, "this year's bead honors the quest that returned Zeus' bolt."

As he handed my bead to me, I spun it around in my hand. Engraved on it were five symbols. A sea-green trident, a brown set of pipes, a grey owl, a golden sun, and a bluish-purple pair of crossed torches. I smiled at the last one. Even if it was small, this was recognition of my mom, and that meant a lot to me. I made a mental note to show her it the next time I saw her.

The next morning when I awoke in the Athena cabin, I found a letter on my bedside table.

Dear (Y/N) (L/N),

If you intend to stay at Camp Half-Blood year round, you must inform the Big House by noon today. If you do not announce your intentions, we will assume you have vacated your cabin or died a horrible death. Cleaning harpies will begin work at sundown. They will be authorized to eat any unregistered campers. All personal articles left behind will be incinerated in the lava pit.

Have a nice day!

Mr. D
Camp Director, Olympian Council #12

Well that's cheery.

I sighed. I still wasn't sure what to do. Part of me wanted to go home. I wanted to do that really badly. But I knew it would never be the same. Honestly, I was concerned for my family. Would I draw monsters their way if I went back to them? Would I be able to do anything but sit in anxiety all day, every day, waiting for the next attack?

I decided to go down to the training arena, maybe try to clear my mind a bit. On the way there, I met up with Percy.

"You not sure what to do either?"

He nodded. "Yeah. Poseidon said my mom is back, but... well..."

I knew what he was thinking. Things would never be normal again for him, especially out there, in the regular world.

When we got to the arena, we found Luke already there. He was tearing up the training dummies with a... very unique looking sword.

"Woah." Percy said, as Luke severed the head of one of the dummies clean off. "They won be bothering anyone anytime soon."

Luke shrugged. "We build new ones every summer. There'll be more."

Percy pointed at his sword. "What's that?"

Luke's face darkened. Now that I thought about it, he seemed... different, somehow. Colder. "Oh this? New toy. Called Backbiter. One side is Celestial Bronze, the other is steel."

Life of A Young Demigod: Book 1 (Percy Jackson reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now