An Oversized Boar Destroys Our Car

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As I walked home, I could swear I felt something following me, but I could never put a finger on what or where. I walked up towards my house and saw my parents getting out of the car. I guess my mom had finished work early and they went out to get groceries.

"Hi (Y/N)!" They both said excitedly

"Hey mom, hey dad"

Suddenly, my father's eyes went wide as he stared past me.

"Get in the car, (Y/N)."

"What?" Me and my stepmother said in unison. My dad doesn't get that serious with me often, so we knew something was up.

"Just get in, we have to go now."

I looked behind me, and saw what he was so shocked at.

Down the street, maybe a hundred feet from our house, was an absolutely ginormous bull, the size of a small elephant. It had a weird, shiny skin, almost like it was coated in metal, and seemed to have flames coming out of the top of its nose.

I very quickly got in our car, as my father jumped in the driver's seat, pulled out of the driveway and sped down the road.

My stepmother was staring out the back window, trying to see what had scared me and my father. "What's gotten into you two?"

"Wait, you can't see it mom? It's right there!"


"What is that dad" I asked shakily.

"Not sure, but I know what it means. She warned me this day would come"

"What? Who warned you what?"

"Your mother" he said, with a hint of fear I'd never heard from him before.

I looked at my stepmother.

"No", said my father, "Your birth mother."

My mother's eyes went wide

"Already? But you said that she thought we'd at least have until he turned thirteen"

"That's only a couple months, Maria, it barely makes a difference."

I looked back. By now we were already on the highway, speeding east, away from the boar, who seemed to somehow easily pass any other cars in it's way, and towards the tip of Long Island.

"Does nobody else see that thing dad?"I asked. "Are we both crazy?"

He looked me dead in the eye with the most serious expression I could imagine on his face. "No, just unlucky."

"What the hell is going on?" I exclaimed.

My parents looked at each other. "We'd better let them explain, (Y/N)"

"Who is them?" I asked incredulously.

"Just let me focus on driving" my dad said. "Watch the damn pig and tell me if it starts gaining on us."

I sighed. I wouldn't get him to explain, once my dad made up his mind, it was done. The next hour or so was the strangest experience of my life to that point. We managed to make a bit of distance between us and the boar, but I had a sinking feeling in my stomach that we had by no means escaped it.

Soon enough, we turned onto a side road out near the vineyards. "Where are we dad?"

"Almost there, (Y/N), just a few hundred..." BAM.

As he was speaking, the boar, which had somehow caught up to us in the 10 or so seconds I had turned around to ask where we were, slammed into the rear of the car, sending us flying through the air, eventually skidding to a stop near a hill.

"MOM, DAD!" I screamed, as I started to try and get out of the car. Miraculously, I was almost entirely unharmed, barring a nasty gash on my knee from a shard of glass.

"We're ok" said my father, as he tried to get my stepmother unstuck from the crumpled front of the car that had been crushed in but somehow avoided crushing her.

I looked out the front window. The boar was staring at us, maybe fifty feet away.

My dad noticed as well. "Listen" he said, as he fumbled around in his pocket. He pulled out a small silver ring, something I'd never seen before. It was a single strip of silver in the shape of a snake, bent over itself, almost like a key ring. "Take this. It's from your mother. It will protect you."

"What!" I said, confused.

"Just think when you need a weapon, ok?"

This is insane. How is he telling me to use a ring as a weapon?

"Run, (Y/N). It wants you, it will ignore us for now. Get past that big pine tree on the hill and you'll be safe."

The boar was starting to stamp its feet, which I knew meant it was coming back for another go.

I took the ring and ran, ran as fast as I could, which wasn't actually all that fast with my injured knee, which was bothering me more than I thought at first.

As I got near the tree though, I heard beating hooves just behind me. I spun around just in time, and instinctively put my hands up in front of me as the metal boar barreled straight through me. Instead of getting hit directly though, I was just thrown backwards. Slamming into the tree hurt like hell, but I wasn't crushed by the likely several ton monster like I should have been. It was like there was a barrier of some kind between me and it, enough to stop a direct blow to my body, but not enough to negate the momentum it generated. I slowly got up, my leg feeling even worse than before.

Now would be a great time to have a weapon.

As soon as I thought this, I felt the ring on my right pinkie begin to shift. In no time at all, I was staring down at a large sword, maybe just under two or so feet long. It was seemingly made of bronze, but had a strange, slight blueish-purple glow to it. Strangely, despite it looking quite cumbersome, it felt perfect in my hands, not too light, not too heavy.

I looked up, and saw the boar begin to come at me a second time. I waited for it to get closer, and dove to my right, the boar crashing into the tree as I instinctively brought my sword up towards its neck. The sword sliced through, but it was a glancing blow, and seemed to just make it angrier. I put my left hand on the sword, holding it like a spike in front of me, preparing for what I assumed was my imminent death. The boar rushed me again, and I tried to dive out of the way, but my knee crumpled, and the boar slammed head on into me. I was thrown back, harder than the first time, but the boar screamed in the same breath as I did. As I looked up, my head spinning, I saw the boar begin to disintegrate into what I thought was sand. I slowly crawled over and picked my sword out of the quickly dissipating pile of sand, and it turned back into a ring, even down to somehow getting back onto my finger. As I stumbled around, I saw what looked like a man on a horse come over the ridge.

"Help, my parents are..." is all I got out before I collapsed from pain and exhaustion.

Life of A Young Demigod: Book 1 (Percy Jackson reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now