I Try to Make Peace With War

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We arrived in Denver the following afternoon. 7 days left. One week to save the world. When we got off the train, we wandered a bit, before eventually ending up at a car wash. Annabeth ran over to one of the spray machines and started digging around her pockets.

I look at her, confused. "Uh, Annabeth if you need a drink I've got some water in my bag."

She groaned. "No, (Y/N), I want to use the spray to IM."

Percy interjected. "IM? How are you going to use the internet with a spray hose?"

Annabeth groaned even louder. "Are you two that dense? IM. Iris-message."

I looked towards Andromeda, who was giggling uncontrollably.

"What are you talking about?"

Andromeda pulled herself together as Annabeth gave up on explaining to us and turned to start putting coins in the machine. "Iris, goddess of rainbows. She's the messenger of the gods, if you toss a drachma into a rainbow mist you can sort of do a video call with anyone you want. It's how we talk without using phones since we can't really use those without lighting a beacon for any nearby monsters."

Ah. Makes sense I suppose.

Annabeth turned around. "Anyone got a quarter? Just need one more."

I dug around in my pocket for a second, found one, and tossed it to her.


Annabeth began to spray the nozzle into the direction of the sunlight, forming a misty rainbow. She pulled a drachma out of her pocket and tossed it through the mist. "Half-Blood Hill."

The mist shimmered briefly, and an image began to form, looking out from the hill where the Big House was situated into the valley below. I suddenly felt a bit homesick. In the corner of the image, he could see Luke looking out towards some campers in the lake.

Percy called out. "Luke!"

He turned, hand on his sword, seemingly a bit frightened.

"Oh, it's you guys! Percy, Annabeth, (Y/N)! Thank the gods! How are you doing? You all ok?"

Annabeth blushed. "We're... uh... fine." She began fiddling with her hair, trying to brush it out a bit. "Wait, where's Chiron?"

Luke sighed. "Down at the cabins. Having a bit of trouble with some campers right now. Nothing bad, just gotta deal with it. Where are you guys? Grover and Andromeda still with you?"

I guess the two of them were out of his line of sight, so they both quickly popped their heads in to say hello.

As he was about to speak again, a big muscle car pulled into the lot, speakers blasting.

"Chiron... what is that? I can barely hear myself think."

Annabeth seized the opportunity to get out. "I'll deal with it!" She said, dragging Grover with her.

Luke laughed a bit at the two of them. "Chiron had to break up a fight. Things are getting tense. Gods are starting to take sides between Zeus and Poseidon, and their children with them. Not sure how word leaked out, but it was probably the same person who summoned the hellhound. As far as I know, Aphrodite, Ares, and Apollo are with Poseidon, and Athena is with Zeus."

I heard Annabeth arguing with someone over near the car.

Luke smiled a bit. "So what's been going on with you guys?"

Life of A Young Demigod: Book 1 (Percy Jackson reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now