Percy Kills His Dad's Ex

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Eventually, we made our way over to the Jersey side of the Hudson. Here, the bus made a quick stop to pick up a couple more passengers. I was half asleep at this point, when Percy nudged my side, trying to get my attention. I looked around, my eyes eventually landing on Annabeth, who's mouth was agape with what I can only describe as intense fear. I looked towards the front of the bus, and saw why. Three old ladies had just gotten on, and they seemed to emanate an aura of pure dread.

I was the first to speak. "That can't possibly be them..."

Percy interrupted me. "That's Mrs. Dodds. It can't be. I killed her."

Annabeth confirmed our fears. "Remember what I said? They will always return. Usually it takes longer than this, but..."

Grover began to chew intensely on one of his tin cans, as Annabeth seemingly got an idea.

"Wait. The Furies are after you, Percy" she said, handing him her cap of invisibility. "If you leave, they should hopefully ignore us."

Percy reluctantly took the cap and disappeared. I really hoped Annabeth was right.

This would be a horrible way to die. Killed by a gang of senior citizens. Wonder how that would play in the papers.

As the Furies moved towards us, they began to shift, growing batlike wings and taking flaming whips out of their handbags. I gulped.

"WHERE IS HE? WHERE IS IT?" They exclaimed, shouting in our faces.

"HES GONE!" Screamed Annabeth. "He just left. Now leave us alone!"

"Listen, I'll put a good word in with my mother if you leave us alone!" I offered, drawing a look of confusion from Andromeda, who had slowly drawn her dagger. Before anyone else could talk, the bus jerked sharply to the right. Percy had grabbed the wheel. As soon as this happened, Andromeda plunged her dagger into the back of one of the Furies, who had turned around to look towards the front of the bus. She screamed in pain as she quickly disintegrated into nothing.


Just as one of the remaining Furies raised her whip, the bus crashed straight into the wall of the tunnel we were passing through, throwing everyone to one side as the bus spun and skittered to a stop just outside the exit of the tunnel. In the chaos that ensued, we all managed to get out of the bus and grouped up across the road.

Annabeth glared at Percy. "What was that? You were supposed to run!"

Percy looked at her, surprised. "You're welcome for saving you!"

Annabeth sighed. "Well it's not done yet."

I looked at the bus. The rest of the passengers had exited, which included our two winged friends. The one closer to us flew at us, whip readied. I raised my arm, and summoned a bolt of fire, which struck the Fury square in the chest, sending her crashing to the ground. I quickly fired two more, which finally seemed to do the trick, as she disintegrated into dust with a screech. There was still one left, but she seemingly thought better than to take us on in a five on one, and flew off to the west. Before we had any time to celebrate properly, Grover realized something, pointing to the smoking wreckage of the bus, which fortunately seemed to be completely empty now.

"Our bags! They're still-" BOOM.

The bus exploded, causing what birds remained in the nearby trees to take off. I looked over to the gathered passengers, and saw one snapping a quick picture of us with his camera phone.

"We need to go. Police will be here soon, and I'm not keen on explaining all of this to them."

Everyone nodded in agreement, and we ran off into the woods, making as much distance between us and the crash site as possible.

Life of A Young Demigod: Book 1 (Percy Jackson reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now