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That night, we had dinner at camp for the first time. Each cabin had its own table. Annabeth sat with her siblings over at the Athena table, while me and Percy were of course at the Hermes table, at least for now. Mr. D, Chiron, some satyrs and two kids who looked quite like Mr. D sat at what I assumed was the Dionysius table. Apparently, it had been decided to introduce me and Percy to the whole camp at this point, although I imagine most of them had heard of us following the bathroom incident. Mr. D stood up and cleared his throat.

"Well, as you may know, we have two new guests today. Please, meet (WY/N ) (WL/N), and Peter Johnson."

Chiron gave a bit of a cough and whispered in Mr. D's ear.

"Ahem, I mean (Y/N) (L/N) and Percy Jackson."

With that, we got a bit of a cheer, and went to eat. All the plates and glasses were empty, but Luke had told me and Percy that all we had to do was hold them and think of what we wanted. I decided on root beer and pizza. Would be nice to have something familiar after all that had gone on.

As I glanced over at Percy, I saw him holding a glass of blue liquid. I gave him a bit of a look and he explained.

"Blue Cherry Coke!"

What? Blue?

As I was about to start eating, Luke gave Percy and I a nudge, pointing towards a brazier at the center of the dining area. I looked up, and saw that everyone was heading to it and dropping a bit of their food into the flames.

"Offerings." Luke explained. "For our parents."

Well, if I wanted any chance of getting claimed, making an offering was probably a good idea, so I decided to head up there, as did Percy.

Hey. I'm not sure who you are mom, but whoever you are, this is for you. Please talk to me at some point.

After dinner, me and Percy headed back to the cabin with the rest of the Hermes crew. As we went to sleep, I thought back to earlier and looked over to Percy.

"Hey man, I'm sorry about what happened to your mom. If you need anything, just let me know and I'll do what I can to help."

"Thanks." He muttered. I didn't mind the short response, he was probably still processing everything that had gone on.

The next couple days were fairly interesting. Me and Percy did most things together, both of us being in the Hermes cabin and all, so we got to know each other a little bit. He really likes the color blue, which I suppose explains the whole blue soda thing. Each morning we had a lesson with Annabeth on Ancient Greek and the gods. Talking about the gods as living, breathing beings was... odd at first, but I eventually got used to it. She was right about the whole dyslexia thing though, Ancient Greek was so much easier for me to read than English, which I suppose put to rest any lingering doubts I had about my mother being a goddess.

The other activities were actually pretty fun. I wasn't particularly great at any of them, but I felt comfortable with most. Except the lava wall. That one hurt. A lot. Percy was more or less the same except for in two activities. I was decent enough at archery, whereas he was utterly abysmal. However, it turned out that he was absolutely incredible at kayaking. Like, to a ridiculous degree. He'd finish a lap when the person in second place was only halfway done. Not exactly what most expected from the kid who killed the Minotaur, but at least he had something he excelled at.

On our second day there we had our first combat lesson, which was taught by Luke. Luke started by pairing the group off and having us simply try to get a feel for our weapons. Me and Percy got set and began. I had a bit of an advantage initially, as I had some basic knowledge of the theory of swordplay from an old medieval treatise I had read a couple weeks ago, but Percy was quick and adaptive. As soon as I saw an opening, it would close. He seemed to have an innate sense of when and where he was vulnerable, so while I had little trouble fending him off, I struggled to actually take advantage of anything. Finally, though, after parrying a hard overhead strike, I managed to catch him him the stomach with the pommel of my sword, knocking him to the ground.

Life of A Young Demigod: Book 1 (Percy Jackson reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now