16. Poland: The Dawn Of A New Era

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Disclaimer: Possible implications of past events (WW2?)


Poland's POV:

I still can't quite believe I'm alive! I still have the scars of the past and I've been through hell for most of my life, but it's over now. World peace is finally possible! That means I'm safe now, right? The past three years have proven that to me, showing that maybe I could recover!

Today, we're having a global meeting; the first one ever since the United Nations was founded! I wonder what'll happen... I know it's human rights and stuff, but I doubt someone as young and inexperienced as UN could make the entire world agree in a day.... that's assuming anyone could! Ah well, we'll just wait and see, I suppose!

3rd Person POV

At 12 o'clock sharp, the nations of the world entered the newly built United Nations Conference Room. The ornately-carved hall was massive, with seats rising in rings around a well-polished, wooden stage, where a fidgety, blue man in a suit stood, giggling awkwardly at five of his assistants, all of which were nations, too, apparently. Watching the six curiously, Poland took her seat between the Philippines and Portugal in the higher rows of the conference hall's benches.

"These are pretty nice chairs," someone murmured from behind her. Well, they weren't wrong, Poland supposed. She had to admit, it was very comfortable in here.

About ten minutes later, UN began, "Good morning-"

"Afternoon," UK corrected.

"-Afternoon, nations of the world!" he finished, blushing slightly in embarrassment. "Today, we shall be discussing human rights!" the organisation smiled, staring around the room, as if expecting applause, though in the end, only Ireland clapped, more out of sympathy than anything else.

Poor guy, Poland sighed to herself, as the humiliated-looking United Nations stuttered on.

In the end, the poor man had to call France to help him out with reading out the complex notes. Nevertheless, the meeting was fairly successful... Though the Pole suspected it would be years before the world reached a total agreement.

Oh well, progress is progress, she thought. This is the first time we've ever tried, after all! That in itself shows some new hope! A new era, truly something to feel positive about!

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