6. Ireland: Dancing In The Sun

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Disclaimer: same as usual, y'know the drill by now.

BTW, ideas are really appreciated, if you have any!

It was a beautifully sunny morning; there wasn't a cloud in the (usually grimly grey) sky and the sapphire-blue lake below the Cliffs of Moher shimmered dazzlingly, as if dancing in the warm Irish sunlight. It wasn't often Ireland got days off from EU business, so it was a massive relief to be sat basking in the gorgeous sunlight, surrounded by such breathtaking scenery as this.

This was one of only 10 public holidays the country had been granted that year, so, naturally, she'd chosen to spend the day at home, in one of her favourite locations in her entire country.

You see, these cliffs were one of those places that just invokes nostalgia; Ireland had been raised not far from here, in a neighbouring village slightly inland. In fact, throughout her childhood, this was her favourite place to play, relax and even just to spin around in a kind of frenzied dance routine, much to the concern of her mother.

She missed those days, back when she was just a little girl, no worries about economics or stress over paperwork. Back then, it was just her, and the wind, dancing alone in the sunshine, not a care or regret.

Even after all these years, Ireland thoroughly loved being here, rather than cooped up at work. It was just a shame she'd lost so much of her time sat alone, shut in her office. Well, there was no point dwelling on the bad bits of life, she'd reasoned to herself; all that would do was waste more time. Life was precious and there was no time to spare for wishing it hadn't changed. If time had remained stuck in the past, life would never have progressed and fond memories would lose their appreciation in the constancy of repetition. Without negativity, all the good things in life would lose meaning, she philosophised.

After all, no matter what, she still had today - a full 24 hours of peace to be enjoyed - and that was what truly mattered.

So, once again, Ireland danced in the Sun, a carefree spirit once more.

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