2. France: Inseperable

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Disclaimer: Again, there'll be a few inaccuracies, I imagine, though not as many as in the first story. Also once again, if anything offends you, please let me know (though I'd imagine this one'll be less controversial).

Another day in lockdown, that's all it really was. After this long, time was barely relevant, as if everything was frozen in place, society and sociality abandoned by the world. So much time had passed, so many memories had been lost... France didn't know how much longer she could take it. It felt to her like the life she had one known was long gone, that her reality was crumbling around her. She hadn't spoken to anyone in months, other than her cats, of course (and let's be honest here, cats aren't known for being great conversationalists - or even for speaking).

"I'm bored, Lou," she muttered to the one on the end of her bed. Lou gazed up at her for a second, before curling up and falling asleep for the billionth time. "Do you think it's worth phoning someone at this time?" Her question was met with merely a snore and a slight twitch from her furry companion, which France took as 'I don't care, do what you want'.

Who would even be awake at this time? France thought to herself. Well, only one way to find out...


You: Anyone awake? I'm boredddddd.

And now... waiting. And waiting. And waiting. Until finally, half an hour later, the lonely country gave up hope of-


Was that...?

You: Anyone awake? I'm boredddddd.

Scott: I am, want to chat a bit?

Scotland? After all these years? France blinked in a stunned silence, a grin spreading across her once solemn face. Suddenly, the ancient tales of their mischievous friendship flooded her brain....

When they first met, she'd been having a row with England.

He'd screamed, "France, you wouldn't dare declare war on me you little-"

"Yeah? Watch me!" she'd retorted, aggression echoing throughout each word.


It was at that moment her nemesis's brother had emerged from thin air, leaning against a nearby tree, a smirk enveloping his face.

"Ikkle Anglo getting into fights with the big kids again?"

It was at that moment an unbreakable friendship formed, to much swearing and yelling from England. Since then, the pair had supported each other whenever they could, ruling as the masters of mischief, an inseparable duo of madness.

Their blissful alliance aged beautifully, until the Act of Union of 1707, when Scott and her lost contact, with England now practically his boss, restricting their friendship. Still, their alliance lasted. Even when it did finally break, they remained firm friends, though they hadn't had chance to speak in years...

Until this very moment.

You: I've missed you, Skirt Man!

Scott: *Kilt Man

You: Yeah, yeah, whatever... Anyway, how've you been?

Scott: Bored. Annoyed.

You: England again? What's he done?

Scott: Well that's quite a story...

~ Da End ~ .


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