3. USA: In A Bit Of A State

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Disclaimer: see previous disclaimers. Besides, if you've made it the this point, you'll've got the message by now, I think (sorry, this is just me being lazy).

"Mr. USA? Sir?"

"Hmm?" America muttered groggily.

"Please don't sleep in my meetings," UN sighed, "Besides, you're supposed to be giving a speech today, aren't you?"

"Mmm, that thing," he nodded groggily, "Sorry, boss."

It was a miracle Ame even made it through that speech; he was exhausted! What with paperwork, bills, and the states bickering all night, he'd barely got any sleep for the entire week! At last, it was the end of Friday, which meant the kids would be busy playing out for the weekend, meaning...

"Sleep..." he muttered contently to himself.

"Are you alright, Ame?" UK asked, concern glittering in her forest-green eyes.

"Yeah Mom, I'm fine..."

"US, you look like you're about to collapse under the weight of your own eyelids!"

"Well, the states have been pretty exhausting recently, I guess. Cali and Texas yelling, Florida kidnapping alligators, just the usual, though."

"That's... normal for you?" UK exclaimed, "Son... tell the states to reign it in, I hate seeing you like this!"

"Fine, I'll try..."

~Time skip brought to you by Florida's alligator trying to eat Rhode Island~


Why am I doing this, again? This is chaos! And... where's Rhode Island? There's no way I can confront the states tonight, there's too much going on!

"Hey, Dad! 'Sup?"

"Hey, Oklahoma!" I grinned tiredly, "Can you do me a favour?"

"Uhh, sure... Wassup?" He looked a bit confused, but in this house, who isn't?

"Can you get your siblings into the kitchen? I need to speak to them all."

"Ok, I can do that," he paused a second, a grim look passing over his face, "Not Rhode Island, though."

This confused me; Rhode Island was the last state I expected to just wander off. "Why?" I asked. OK answered me with the two words I dreaded the most in the entire universe:

"Ask Florida."

"I'm good."

Surprisingly, most of the states actually came! Mind you, I'm not sure what Oklahoma told them, but Wyoming looked terrified!

"Dad..." she asked, her voice shaking, "Are we really at war with the Martians?"

"Wyoming, sweetie," I grinned gently, "Don't believe everything your brother says, ok?"

"Oh, so why are we here?" A murmur of agreement swept through the states, who all now turned to stare at me. Taking a deep breath, I began my explanation. The stress of work, the lack of sleep, the constant bickering, the headaches... everything just sort of came out all of a sudden.

"Gee, sorry, Pop," Texas muttered.

"Ok, Tex, but... will you and Cali cool it off?"

"Nope," California laughed and the entire room erupted into chaos.

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